Thought for September 26, 2023

  •  1580: Francis Drake on the Golden Hine completes circumnavigation of the globe
  • 1960: Fidel Castro delivers a 4.5 hour speech to the UN
  • 1969: The Beatles last album, "Abbey Road", released
  • Born: George Gershwin, Olivia Newton-John, Linda Hamilton, Serena Williams
  • Died: Daniel Boone, Levi Strauss, Bela Bartok, Byron Nelson, Paul Newman

Thought: From Lausanne, Switzerland

Continuing the instruction from Hebrews 13 this morning. Let me ask--yesterday did you pursue peace, show hospitality, love the brethren, have an attitude of gratitude? Today, Hebrews gives us more instructions for life.

  • 13:3--Remember the prisoners as if in prison with them. What a picture! Two thoughts come to my mind. First this is another reference back to Matthew 25. Second, what kind of prison are we talking about? People are held prisoner by sin, addiction, habits. People are held captive by other people, false causes and religion. I think the message here is that in Christ we are free. The question is can you think about how life was before Christ when you were in prison. Can you recall the rush of joy when the burden was lifted the chains were broken. Now, look around you. People are in prisons and you know the escape route, you are a carrier of the key. 
  • 13:4--Let marriage be held in honor. This must have been written especially for us in this generation. Marriage is not held in honor. Marriage has been redefined--no longer one man and one woman for life. We have people living together without marriage. We have same sex marriage. We have rampant divorce. We have the marriage bed defiled. O Lord, forgive us. May we, the church, honor marriage, support marriage, encourage marriage, protect marriage. 
  • 13:5---Let your character be free from the love of money and be content. Greed and the desire for wealth lead us to compromise our character--honesty, integrity. We compromise for the client, the sale, the promotion. We also become discontent--want what others have--jealousy, envy. You have heard me say, comparison is the enemy of contentment. When my contentment is disturbed it is almost always because I have seen what others have and now feel that what I have is insufficient, inadequate, unacceptable, below my standing. Notice how this verse ends. Jesus promises never to leave us or forsake us. So when I become discontent, I am questioning His provision, His sufficiency, His love, His timing. 
  • 13:7--Remember those who led you to faith---follow their example. What a challenge. First, we are challenged to find good example and good models and follow their example. Then, we are reminded that for someone else, I may be their example or model. How does that impact the way I live? Today, think of the parents, friends, teachers, pastors who led you to faith or helped you grow in your faith. If they are living, pray for them, contact them, encourage them. 
Today, look for the prisoners, hold marriage in honor, don't be greedy, jealous or envious--be content. Find a good example and follow her and be a good example for others to follow. 



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