Thought for September 25, 2023

  •  1237: Treaty of York establishes line between England and Scotland
  • 1513: Vasco Balboa is first European to see the Pacific Ocean after crossing the Isthmus of Panama
  • 1789: Congress proposes the Bill of Rights
  • 1873: Wild Bill Hickok said to have wed Calamity Jane--disputed
  • 1926: Henry Ford adopts 5 day, 8 hour work week for his employees
  • 1939: Andorra signs peace treaty with Germany because Versailles Peace Treaty left Andorra out
  • 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first female Supreme Court Justice
  • Born: Fletcher Christian, Dmitri Shoshtakovich, Ethel Rosenberg, Barbara Walters, Christopher Reeve, Will Smith
  • Died: Mary Astor, Andy Williams, Arnold Palmer
Thought: From Lucerne Switzerland

In Hebrews chapters 12 and 13, we are given a series of instructions. We have been told about the faith of others in chapter 11 and encouraged to run the race with endurance as chapter 12 begins. For the next couple of days, I am considering the instructions that follow--how should you live and run the race. 
  • 12:14--Pursue peace with all men and pursue sanctification. At first it seems strange to connect peace and sanctification. But then, it becomes clear--as I grow in holiness and in likeness and conformity with Christ, I will seek peace with all men. My problem is understanding the meaning of peace. It is not the mere absence of hostility--I am neutral, neither loving or hating. Shalom is peace, but a peace that prays for the best for others--God's presence and blessing on them. So as I pray for God to bless them, my love for them increases. And as love flows through me--the process of sanctification accelerates. And notice, we have to pursue peace--it doesn't just happen.
  • 12:28--Let us show gratitude for a kingdom that cannot be shaken. We often have opportunity to express gratitude for our nation and those that fought and died to create and preserve it. Here, we are called to live in an attitude of gratitude for the kingdom of God--the kingdom where our citizenship is held by adoption. We recall the Hallelujah Chorus--and He shall reign for ever and ever--unshakeable, solid rock, firm foundation.
  • 13:1--Let love of the brethren continue. Wonder why this is in here? Families know why. Over time, some members of the family may become hard to live with, hard to love. Teenagers go through a few years where loving them is hard. Aging parents go through some years where they get more stubborn and difficult. Love in marriages may lose its fire over time. And within the body, time may cause friction to arise, clicks to form, gossip to divide. In His power and with His love, we continue to love each other for the unity of the body and the cause of the kingdom.
  • 13:2--Show hospitality to strangers. The preceding instruction dealt with the brethren. Now we are challenged to be hospitable to strangers. Reminds me of Matthew 25--the righteous will ask, "when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? And when did we see You a stranger and invite You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick or in prison and come to You?" And the King will answer--"to the extent you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."
Today, pursue peace, demonstrate gratitude for the King and the kingdom, love the brethren, be hospitable to the stranger. You never know--you may be entertaining an angel. 



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