Thought for September 22, 2023

  •  1692: Last hangings for witchcraft in Salem
  • 1735: Robert Walpole is first Prime Minister to reside at 10 Downing Street
  • 1862: Lincoln issues preliminary Emancipation Proclamation threatening to free the slaves if the Confederacy does not rejoin the Union by January 1, 1863
  • 1869: "Das Rheingold" by Richard Wagner premiers in Munich--first of the Ring cycle
  • 1920: Grand Jury convenes to consider charges that White Sox players conspired to fix the 1919 World Series
  • 1994: "Friends" debuts
  • Born: Anne of Cleaves, Michael Faraday, Tommy Lasorda, Andrea Bocelli
  • Died: Francisco Coronado, Nathan Hale, Irving Berlin, George C Scott, Yogi Berra
Thought: From Zurich, Switzerland
The next underlined passage in my Bible is Hebrews 12:1-2. Having read about the examples of faith in the Old Testament, the writer instructs us how we should live in faith:
  • Lay aside every encumbrance. Have you ever made a list of the reasons why you can't answer God's call. I know you didn't think about it that way, neither do I. But all of us have our entanglements:
    • I am too busy. Don't have enough time. And God always responds to me--Larry, who created time and who determines how much time you have? Or, He says that I have filled my time with my stuff and eliminated time for His call. Perhaps I should rearrange my priorities.
    • I don't have any training or experience. And God answers me, "O Larry, if I only knew your talents and gifts." Or, "O Larry, sorry that I cannot provide the strength, wisdom, energy that you need." 
    • I don't think I would be good at that. The God who numbered all my days before even one was lived out doesn't know whether I would be good at that. 
    • I did that for years, now it's someone else's turn. Sorry God, I have checked that box. I know that your love endures forever, but I choose not to.
    • What will others think? If I do that, some of my co-workers are going to make fun, look down, tease me. Some of my "friends" will not understand. My boss might not like it. 
    • Feel free to add your own reasons to this list.
  • Lay aside every sin that entangles. Several times in scripture, we are urged to take off the things of the flesh, malice, anger, greed, gossip, etc. Reminds me that this requires action on my part, an exercise of the will. Recall in the story of the soils that some seeds fell on thorny ground--the worries of the world and the deceit of riches entangles them, choked them. 
  • Run with endurance
    • Our race. Run the race that Jesus sets before you. I cannot run your race and you cannot run mine. Each of us is running a separate race toward the same destination. 
    • Toward our goal. My eyes are fixed on the goal. All my actions, all my energy are directed toward that goal--seeing Jesus face to face.
    • With joy. No grumbling or complaining. Why? Consider the joy set before us---eternity with Jesus. For the joy of sitting on His throne with His Father, He endured the cross. Surely, I can endure the inconveniences of following Him. 
Going to get dressed, put on my shoes. Lord, remind me that I am running a race for You and to You. You provide the goal, You provide the route, You provide the strength, I just need to run. 



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