Thought for September 15, 2023
Coming to you from Vienna, Austria
- 1835: HMS Beagle and Charles Darwin reach the Galapagos Islands
- 1916: First use of tanks in warfare--Battle of Somme
- 1928: Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
- 1949: "The Lone Ranger" premiers on ABC
- 1997: is registered as a domain name
- Born: Marco Polo, William Howard Taft, Agatha Christie, Dan Marino
- Died: Thomas Wolfe, Johnny Ramone,
Reading Hebrews 10:19-25 today. For several chapters the writer has described Jesus as our High Priest. In these verses, he summarizes what that means and encourages us to action.
Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies in those days; however, at the crucifixion the veil separating the temple from the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom. Covered and redeemed by His blood, we are invited to enter the holy place with direct access to the Father's throne. [10:19] Notice it says we enter with confidence--assured that the blood of Christ qualifies us to enter, clothes us for entrance---in it we become the righteousness of God. So we approach God with confidence. Think what a devout Jew would have given to be invited to enter the Holy of Holies--speak directly with God, be in His presence. Jesus paid the price for our admittance. Approach with confidence, not in our worthiness--but in His. Yesterday we were touring the Wachau Valley outside Vienna. In Dornstein there is a little abbey on the Danube. We had a private tour. In the chapel others looked around and went through. Our guide had a key to a special area where we entered alone—-a special altar and the crypt area for the monks only. Made me think about being welcomed into the Holy place. Now we have three instructions for entering:
- Let us draw near with a sincere heart. [10:22] I enter with a totally committed heart. My heart belongs to Christ and Christ alone. He is on the throne of my heart. This reminds me that as I approach the throne of grace, I confess my sins. I come fully assured that in Christ alone my hope is found. I confess that He alone saved me and it is through faith in Him alone that I can approach.
- Let us hold fast our confession. I come in unwavering faith and trust. No trial, no affliction, nothing in this world can cause me to betray my confession. Having put on the armor and entering the battle, I am steadfast. I will not doubt or fear for He is with me and I am His. Recall Luther’s refusal to recant.
- Let us consider how to encourage others. Not only will I devote myself to good deeds and loving others, I will encourage you to join me and do likewise. So when you say you hate someone, I will remind you that we love and not hate. When you get angry with someone, I will remind you that we forgive. And you will do the same for me. This requires us to assemble together--the Christian walk is a team sport. We do it with others--bearing burdens, sharing joys, sharpening iron, giving and accepting admonitions, corrections, instruction. We place a priority on assembling together.
Because we have a High Priest, we draw near to God, we endure, we encourage others and accept encouragement from them. As I write that, I am reminded that we are to practice now what we will be doing in eternity---joining with other followers of Christ, drawing near to Him in love and fellowship.
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