Thought for September 14, 2023
Coming to you from Vienna, Austria.
- 1741: Handel completes the music for "Messiah" after 23 days
- 1752: Britain and the Colonies adopt the Gregorian calendar
- 1814: Francis Scott Key pens "Defence of Fort McHenry"
- 1939: First practical helicopter flown--Sikorsky VS-300
- 1956: IBM introduces the RAMAC 305--weighs over a ton. First commercial computer with magnetic disk storage
- 1960: OPEC formed by Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela
- 1985: "The Golden Girls" debuts
- 1987: Cal Ripken's record 908 games ends
- 2021: U.S. Covid death toll reaches 663,000
- Born: Margaret Sanger, Sam Neill,
- Died: Aaron Burr, William McKinley, Isadora Duncan, Grace Kelly, Janet Gaynor
Reading Hebrews 7 today--Jesus our High Priest. For the Jews, the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to meet with God, offer sacrifices, intercede for the people. He served a brief term. His position was obtained from his ancestors, traced by genealogy. He offered sacrifices for himself and the people and did it repeatedly, day after day, year after year. The writer of Hebrews says that Jesus is our High Priest--yet different from the human high priests:
- Jesus has been tempted in every way but never sinned, so He offers no sacrifice for Himself [4:15]. The human priests were mere men so they required to have sacrifices offered for their sins. Not Jesus, He lived the perfect life and presents Himself before the Father perfect and holy.
- Jesus is not a high priest based on His genealogy or family history---He is without beginning or end. He is God, the eternal One. He does not serve a term or relinquish the job to someone else. [7:3, 24]
- He is not a Levite, not a heir of Aaron. He is from the tribe of Judah. His priesthood is based on the power of an indestructible life [7:11-16]. His order is the order of Melchizedek---a priest forever. Melchizedek was the priest from Salem--peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and our Peace. He is the priest who reconciles us with God, restores peace leading to adoption.
- He is the living guarantee of the covenant promises of God. [7:22] His death and resurrection fulfilled the promises of God and through Him guarantees those promises to those who believe. When He ascended, He sent the Holy Spirit as a reminder of that guarantee.
- He not only made the sacrifice for the sins of the people, He is the sacrifice for those sins. [7:27] His atonement is perpetual and eternal--not annual. We are covered not by the blood of lambs and goats, but by the blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
This morning praise God for the High Priest who lives forever, today interceding for you before the throne of grace. Praise God for the sacrifice that the Priest laid down for you. Praise God for the Priest who will return to claim His followers. [9:28]
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