Thought for September 11, 2023
Coming to you from Vienna, Austria.
- 1297: William Wallace defeats the English at Stirling Bridge
- 1773: Ben Franklin writes, "There never was a good war or a bad peace."
- 1914: W.C. Handy publishes "St. Louis Blues."
- 2001: Two planes hit the World Trade Center Towers; another hits the Pentagon; and flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania
- Born: O. Henry, D.H. Lawrence, Ferdinand Marcos, Tom Landry, Harry Connick Jr.
- Died: Nikita Khrushchev, Jessica Tandy, Johnny Unitas
Reading Hebrews 3:12-13 today. The writer gives us two instructions for today in this passage about the need for obedience.
- Be careful not to have an evil, unbelieving heart. Or in the positive--pray for more faith. This speaks to me about the connection between evil and disbelief. When I slip into evil, it is an indication that I must not believe what God has said or what God has promised. When I look other places for joy and peace, I must be disbelieving that joy and peace are only found in Him. When I look other places for strength or wisdom, I must be disbelieving that He is the source of my strength and all wisdom. When I try and avoid sacrificial living, I must be doubting the truth of His promises. And when I feel my relationship with Him cooling, I must have started trusting the world and its wisdom and failed to trust Him. Lord, help us believe--increase our faith.
- Encourage each other not to be deceived by the evil one and sin. This tells me my inclination, my tendency will be to be deceived by Satan and sin---my eyes will deceive me about what is beautiful and desirable. My lust will deceive me about what gives pleasure, satisfaction and joy. My pride will deceive me about what I have done in my own strength and my own wisdom. So I need you to encourage me to seek God, follow God, listen to God, trust God. And I need to encourage you. Proverbs 27:17 teaches us that iron sharpens iron--one man sharpens another. This is a good reason to have close Christians friends, to worship in groups, to study the Word in groups--we need each other to avoid the deceitfulness of sin.
Today, be careful not to be deceived and encourage others. It will be a good day.
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