Thought for August 8, 2023
- 1805: First African American Baptist Church is organized in Boston
- 1844: Brigham Young selected to succeed Joseph Smith
- 1898: Will Kellogg invents corn flakes
- 1974: Nixon announces he will resign at noon on August 9
- Born: Dustin Hoffman, Roger Federer, Mel Tillis
- Died: Patricia Neal, Glen Campbell, Olivia Newton-John, Fay Wray
This morning read Paul's prayer over the church at Colossae in Colossians 1:9-12. These verses are all marked up in my Bible. It is a prayer I have prayed for my class, for my church, and for others. I even pray it for myself. This morning pray this prayer--Lord God
- Fill me with the knowledge of Your will for me today [1:9]. Give me the wisdom that only You can provide and allow me to understand all that You want me to know about You, about Your plan, about what pleases You. Fill me so much with Your will that my will and Yours are identical.
- Help me walk worthy of Christ [1:10]. Let me live a life worth the price you paid.
- Let me bear fruit [1:10]. The fruit of the Spirit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control. And let me be Your instrument to bear fruit in the form of others who believe in and follow You. Let my life be a beautiful poem, a lovely song, a fragrant aroma as I do the works that You present to me today.
- Let me grow today in maturity as a Christian [1:10]. Help me move from milk to solid food. Help me demonstrate that today I am not the same person I was yesterday, but am more like Your Son.
- Strengthen me [1:11]. I cannot walk worthy in my strength. I cannot bear fruit in my strength. I cannot grow into the likeness of Christ in my strength--only in Your strength can I be victorious today. I need Your strength to stand firm against the schemes of the evil one. I need You strength to have patience---endurance without griping or complaining.
- Help me be thankful with joy because of all You have done [1:12]. Knowing that You love me, chose me, redeemed me, adopted me, and qualified me to be an heir of Your eternal glory gives me joy and peace unspeakable. Create in me a grateful heart that overflows with grace to all around me.
Now do you feel blessed that the God of the universe hears your prayer and answers it--for all God's promises are yes and amen in Jesus!
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