Thought for August 7, 2023

  • 1771: Francis Asbury volunteers to go to America when John Wesley asked, "Who is willing to go over and help" our brethren in America. He had a 45-year ministry for the Methodist Church traveling 300,000 miles by horseback
  • 1782: Washington creates the Badge of Military Merit, now the Purple Heart
  • 1990: Operation Desert Shield begins
  • 2010: Jerry Rice inducted into the Hall of Fame
  • Born: Mata Hari, Louis Leakey, Charlize Theron
  • Died: Oliver Hardy, Peter Jennings
Philippians 4:8-20 are so rich and in them we find several scriptures that many of us quote regularly. In it we find a secret revealed. How can I be content in whatever circumstances I find myself in? [4:11] Paul suggests how to be content always:
  • Focus your mind on the right things [4:8]. As a person thinks, so is he. [Proverbs 23:7] We are renewed by the renewing of our minds. [Romans 12:1-2] Here Paul tells us that if we want to be content even when hungry or suffering need, we should think about the right things. 
    • Whatever is true--God's word and His promises to me. Even when suffering I focus on the truth that God loves me, blesses me, has a plan for me, has provided a future for me, has prepared a place for me. His grace is sufficient.
    • Whatever is honorable and right-hunger, suffering, affliction, seeing evil rewarded---these may lead me to think about doing dishonorable things--lie, steal, cheat, compromise. But I keep my mind focused on things that honor Christ.
    • Whatever is pure and lovely--suffering and want can cause me to think impure thoughts--envy, jealousy, hatred. So I think pure thoughts--I think about the best in others, I pray for those that hurt me, I fill my mind with love, peace, joy.
    • Whatever is excellent and worthy of praise--What really is worthy of praise? I praise God for His spiritual blessings. I praise Him for who He is and what He has done. I praise Him now for what He has promised. In my praises I find contentment. 
  • Remember where your strength comes from [4:13]. When I think I cannot bear any more, when I am at the end of my wits and strength, when I am tired and think about yielding or giving up--I remember that my strength comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. When I am weak, He is strong. When others fail me, He never will. 
  • Remember who is your sufficiency [4:19]. God is my supplier--He never runs out of the things I need for life, abundant life. This verse helps me remember that God's provisions come from His riches in glory---so I might not have the food I want or need, but I have the Bread of Life. I might be dying physically from thirst, but I have the Living Water. I might be poor in things of this earth, but in Christ I have every spiritual gift. The things I really need are grace, mercy, love, forgiveness--and He supplies all these in abundance. 
Thinking about the right things, relying on His strength not mine, depending on His sufficiency--I am content in every situation. 



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