Thought for August 28

  •  1837: Lea & Perrins begins manufacturing Worcester Sauce
  • 1898: Caleb Bradshaw renames his soda drink--Pepsi Cola
  • 1963: Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech
  • 1968: Democratic convention in Chicago
  • 1981: Reagan shot by John Hinckley
  • Born: Goethe, Elizabeth Ann Seton [First American Catholic Saint], Ira Sankey, Jack Kelly [created X Men, Hulk, Spiderman, Captain America], Scott Hamilton, Shania Twain, Todd Eldredge, 
  • Died: Augustine of Hippo, Frederick Law Olmstead, 
Reading 2 Timothy 2:14-26 today.  Most of us remember this passage from 2:15-- be diligent to present yourself as one who does not need to be ashamed because you handle the word of truth accurately. Think about the implications of that statement. If you are not able to accurately handle the word of truth, you will be ashamed. This means we know the word of truth and are ready to present it accurately at the right time and in the right manner. Paul instructs Timothy on how to accurately and correctly present the word. 
  • Don't wrangle about the words. [2:14] Jan is constantly after me about this--she will use a word and I think I need to immediately give a better word, a different word, or explain to her the meaning of the word. She will respond--that's what I just said. Someone can accurately handle the word of truth, but don't think everyone has to use the same words or the same way to present the truth--just make sure it is the truth. I prefer the NASB, but the CSB and other translations are just as good. 
  • Be diligent [2:15]. Be careful, consistent and conscientious in handling the word. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. Diligence means being careful, persistent, and working hard to know and present the word accurately and completely.
  • Avoid worldly and empty chatter. [2:16] Don't chase rabbits, don't major on the minors. Notice Paul refers to some who have claimed the bodily resurrection of the dead has already occurred or that there was only a spiritual resurrection for believers. Don't get into speculations that cause others to doubt and fear. Notice that Paul tells us that foolish and ignorant speculations produce quarrels [2:23]. We have all been there--long argument and at the end we ask, "what were we arguing about?"
  • Abstain from wickedness [2:19-21] Let your walk match your teaching. Keep your self clean --then you will be useful for the Master's work and always prepared to speak a word of truth.
  • Flee youthful lusts [2:22]. I see here that I cannot walk next to lust, try to get as close to the line as possible without going over the edge; rely on my strength to resist the temptation--I must run as fast as I can from youthful lust. Avoid every situation and if I find myself in a place of compromise, get up and get out.
  • Pursue righteousness, faith and love [2:22]. I cannot just run away from wickedness, I must run to goodness. Pursue is a hunting term--I must chase down love and faith and righteousness--they just don't happen. As I pursue my relationship with Jesus, I seek these things.
  • Now people may not receive your teaching. But we do not respond by quarreling [2:24-26]. We respond kindly, patiently, gently. We do not yell at them, but speak calmly and gently--but truthfully. 
  • And the goal of our teaching--they come to their senses [like the prodigal son] and escape the devil's snare/trap. [2:26] My goal is not to look smart, be praised, but rather to help others come to their senses, see the truth, and find freedom in Christ. 


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