Thought for August 24, 2023
- 410: Rome overrun by the Visigoths--fall of the Roman Empire
- 1456: Printing of Gutenberg Bible completed
- 1662: Act of Conformity requires use of Book of Common Prayer--Puritans ousted from pulpits
- 1814: British capture Washington
- 1989: Pete Rose banned from baseball for life
- 2006: Pluto named a dwarf planet
- Born: Robert Herrick [Gather ye rosebuds while ye may], William Wilberforce [submitted bills to end slavery in Britain for 18 years], Yasser Arafat, Mike Shannahan, Cal Ripken Jr., Marlee Matlin
- Died: E.G. Marshall, Richard Attenborough, Isaac Backus [Baptist who fought for religious freedom in Massachusetts]
Reading the first chapter of Second Timothy today, particularly 1:6-12. This passage includes truth that we all know. Paul is concerned that Timothy and Larry will be ashamed of the gospel causing us to shrink back when challenged, retreat when confronted, compromise rather than stand firm. So Paul gives instruction:
- Paul recalls the sincere faith with which Timothy was raised and which Timothy acknowledged to Paul [1:5-6] Many of us have similar experiences--exampled into the faith by parents, grandparents, family. But Paul understands that we cannot rest on our parents faith or our profession of faith many years ago.
- Refresh your faith [1:6-7]. This is something I need to do regularly--I get energized, excited, motivated, then gradually I cool off. Paul urges us to flame the fire anew. When my faith cools, I become timid--when my faith is refreshed, I am bold. Paul reminds us that when we were saved, we did not get a timid spirit--we got the Holy Spirit---filled with power, love and discipline. Power to endure, love to show grace, discipline to sustain our fire by prayer, scripture, worship and praise.
- Don't be ashamed of the gospel [1:8] Why"
- It saved me [1:9]--transferred me from darkness to light, from death to life.
- I was chosen and called [1:9] I was saved with a purpose and calling. God has a plan for my life. Don't be ashamed of the calling He has provided.
- In Him I have eternal life [1:10].
- Remember it is who you know, not what you know [1:12] I know the One I believed. Our salvation is not based on works but on relationship. Knowing Jesus and the power of His resurrection and the depth of His suffering. I know who I have believed---He said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He said He is the Bread of Life, the Living Water. He said He is God. I know whom I have believed. He is trustworthy and faithful.
- Allow the Holy Spirit to guard what you believe [1:14] Satan will challenge what you believe and who you believe. Allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of everything Jesus said and promised. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach and correct you. Allow the Holy Spirt to produce fruit in your life.
Today--rekindle the fire. You know Who you have believed--and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can even imagine.
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