Thought for August 15, 2023

  •  1620: Mayflower sets sail from England with 102 Pilgrims
  • 1635: First recorded North American hurricane hits Plymouth Colony
  • 1911: Crisco shortening unveiled by P&G
  • 1914: Panama Canal opens
  • 1969: Woodstock opens in Bethel NY
  • Born: Napoleon, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Child, Melinda Gates
  • Died: MacBeth, Wiley Post, Will Rogers, 

Reading 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4 this morning. Paul is telling the church at Thessalonica that he thanks God for their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfast hope. Paul is writing from Corinth so it should not surprise me that he is thinking about faith, hope and love--the focus of 1 Corinthians 13. The first thing I notice is that the presence of these three characteristics in the life of the church was founded on "God's choice of you." 

If you are in Christ this morning, chosen and beloved by Him, what should your heart and soul look like today. If Jesus performed a CT scan on my heart today, what would He find? 
  • Would the test show a work of faith? Do my thoughts, deeds and attitude reflect my faith in Jesus, my trust in His promises? Am I working out my faith? Back in Philippians 2:12, Paul urges the church to work out your salvation with fear and trembling by obedience. Here we are working everyday to become more and more like Jesus through obedience. As we work, we work in the awesome presence of our Master and in humility. Isaiah trembled before the Lord--but said "here am I, send me." Today, am I, in faith, relying on the truth of God, the promises of God, the grace of God, the love of God--do I evidence the faith I claim to have. 
  • Would the test show that I labor in love? All of my work and all of my service is founded upon, motivated by, energized by love. As most of you know, loving is hard work sometimes. It requires work to love the unlovely, the enemy, the ungrateful, the unresponsive. It requires labor to endure in love through every circumstance and situation. Am I making every effort to love like I am loved by Him?
  • Would the test show a steadfast, unwavering, unyielding hope? Am I optimistic about what God is doing. Do I face the day with the bright hope of tomorrow? Or do I struggle with my wishes? Hope in Christ never disappoints. Do I give hope to others or am I a discouragement to them? 
In Corinthians Paul says these three abide--faith, hope and love---but the greatest of these is love. Tonight, when my work for today is done--will my work for the Lord have demonstrated faith, hope and love? Lord, may it be so. 



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