Thought for August 11, 2023
- 1866: First roller rink opens--Newport RI
- 1919: Curly Lambeau founds the Green Bay Packers
- 1956: Elvis releases "Don't Be Cruel"
- 1965: Watts riots begin
- 1988: Al-Qaeda formed
- 2008: Airnb founded
- Born: Alex Haley, Steve Wozniaki, Hulk Hogan, Chris Hemsworth
- Died: Andrew Carnegie, Herb Brooks [Miracle on Ice], Robin Williams, Jackson Pollock, Lowell Mason [tune for "Nearer My God to Thee," "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," "My Faith Looks Up to Thee"]
Reading Colossians 2 this morning. Paul is concerned that the church be deluded or deceived about their salvation in Christ [2:4, 8]. He doesn't want the church or us to be deluded by a persuasive argument or deceived by philosophy or empty deception. Think about that.
- Deluded means believing something that is not real or true. Paul does not want us to be tricked by hearing an argument that is based on things that are not real or not true. Think about the arguments you hear today--God is love; God loves everybody; a loving God would not send anyone to hell; therefore, either there is no hell or God will find a way to save everyone---don't worry, be happy. Or, this is my body, I can do anything I want to with it. I read a few weeks ago that this is the hottest month ever--really? The thermometer wasn't invented until 1612 or so. How do you know how hot is was before that---oh, you have calculated based upon some assumptions. Sorry, inadmissible evidence.
- Philosophy is a way of thinking about things. It is based on assumptions and theories developed by man.
- What kinds of delusions and deceptions does Paul describe?
- Man's ideas about holiness---what you eat or drink. [2:16] Jesus said that nothing from outside defiles man [Mark 7:14-19] Peter was shown that nothing you eat defiles you [Acts 10:15].
- Man's ideas about worship--[2:16]--what days do you worship or celebrate. What style of worship is "right."
- You need Christ plus something else: self abasement, fasting, angel worship
- Paul says all of these things are mere shadows [2:17]--not real; they are not from Christ; they have the appearance of wisdom, but are worthless [2:23]. They are focused on the external, the temporary.
Paul wants us to be careful about being misled by false statements and man's theories. The serpent misstated what God said and also misstated God's purposes--God doesn't want you to be wise like Him. So what does Paul say to help us not be deceived or deluded:
- Get your facts and your reality from the source of all knowledge and wisdom [2:3]. Christ has all knowledge and all wisdom--don't go to other sources looking for reality.
- Take your philosophy--world view--from Jesus, not traditions of man or the elementary principles of the world.
- Understand who you are in Christ:
- Reconciled with God [1:22]
- Firmly rooted [2:7]. In Christ you have built on a strong foundation. He is immovable, permanent, unchanging. So you should not be blown about by every new idea of man.
- Alive and forgiven [2:13]
- Complete [2:10]
- Raised up with Him [2:12]
All of this really simply reminds us that Christ alone is our hope of glory. In Him, the one who created all things, we find truth, reality, purpose. We don't need anything else. Lord, protect our minds and hearts from all the fiery arrows of fear and doubt, falsehoods and half-truths. Help us grow in the knowledge of Christ alone.
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