Thought for August 10, 2023

  • 612 BC: Nineveh falls to the Babylonians
  • 70: Temple set fire by Titus
  •  610: Date Muhammad said to begin receiving the Quran
  • 1675: Cornerstone of Royal Observatory in Greenwich laid
  • 1787: Mozart completes "Eine kleine Nachtmusik"
  • 1793: Louvre officially opens as the Museum des Arts
  • 1846: Congress passes Act creating the Smithsonian Institution
  • Born: Henri Nestle, Herbert Hoover, Antonio Banderas, Joe Cimino
  • Died: Robert Goddard, Isaac Hayes, Estes Kefauver, Joseph Scriven ["What a Friend We Have in Jesus"], William Walsham ["For All the Saints"]
Thinking about Colossians 1:27 this morning and really just a phrase--"Christ in you, the hope of glory." Paul says that this is a mystery "manifested" to the saints. Manifested means made visible, proved with evidence, made clear or open to perception. In Jesus, God has revealed and provided clear evidence that our hope of glory is in Christ and in Him alone. 

Paul says that in order to have the hope of glory, we must have Christ in us. Now, as I understand it, the word "hope" here is not a wish, a dream, it is an assured hope, a hope that will not disappoint. So in order to be assured of being with God in His glory, we must have Christ in us.

Now, if that is the truth, and it is, what does that mean for what I do today. 
  • I thank God for Christ. Without Him I am lost, condemned. Without Him I am at war with God, a war I cannot win and a war that ends in death. So I thank God for Jesus.
  • I allow Christ to have full control of me. If Christ in me is my only hope of glory, then I don't want to take any chances--I want Christ fully in me, fully controlling me---I want there to be no doubt that Christ is in me. This means I do what He says and go where He leads. It is that old question, "if being a Christian was a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" I don't want there to be any shortage of evidence that Christ is in me.
  • I worry about those who are without Christ. For if the only hope of eternity with God is Christ and if they are without Christ, they face eternity separated from God. This motivates me to tell everyone, make sure everyone has an opportunity to know Jesus, accept Jesus, allow Jesus to live in them. I want everyone to have the hope of glory. 
I have work to do today--but thank God for the hope we have in Christ!


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