Thought for August 1 2023

  •  1774: Joseph Priestly "discovers" oxygen
  • 1831: London Bridge opens replacing the original completed in 1209.
  • 1944: Adam Clayton Powell becomes the first African American Congressman
  • 1966: Charles Whitman kills 16 and wounds 31 from a tower at the University of Texas
  • 1972: Woodward and Bernstein publish their first article on Watergate
  • Born: William Clark, Jerry Garcia, Herman Melville
  • Died: Anne Stuart, Calamity Jane, Mark Antony
Yesterday, I was thinking about the if/then of my life. In Philippians 2: 3-11, Paul describes the "then" of a life in Christ. If I claim to be in Christ, then I should have His attitude, His humility. So Paul says:
  • Regard one another as more important that yourself. [2:3] Christ lived and died for others. So if I am following Him, I regard others needs above mine. Well, that doesn't sound like fun; but think for a moment. If other Christians are regarding your needs as more important than theirs, what happens. Well read Acts 2 and see--everyone felt a sense of awe, wonders and signs were happening, everyone was sharing, filled with gladness, praising God, and God was adding to their number. 
  • Look out for each other. [2:4]. So you encourage me and correct me. You pray for me and warn me. You counsel me and teach me. And I receive all of that with love and gratitude. We care for each other--physically, spiritually, emotionally. 
  • Why? We look to Jesus as the example--He is God, yet He took on human form. I just stop here and cry. The infinite, holy, awesome, powerful, eternal, everlasting God took on the corruptible, the finite, the weak, the temporary--why? To save me. So Paul asks me, if God did that because He loved you, what are you willing to do because you love Him and those created in His image? Are you willing to empty yourself for others [2:7].
  • Notice, when Jesus in obedience emptied Himself, God highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above every name. When we humble ourselves and obey, empty ourselves so that Jesus can fill us and overflow us in love for others, then God will highly exalt us, by adopting us as His children and making us joint heirs with Christ in whom we have all the riches of glory. 
If/then--what a simple concept. If I am in Christ, then  humble myself, empty myself knowing that He will adopt me and in His time exalt me. What an indescribable gift!



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