Thought for July 31, 2023

  •  1912: U.S. bans movies and photos of prize fighting as immoral and violent. 
  • 1922: First water skis sued on a lake in Minnesota
  • 1938: Gold plates bearing the name of King Darius discovered
  • 1973: 89 die as plane hits seawall at Logan Airport 
  • Born: J.K. Rowling, Evonne Goolagong, O.B. Thrailkill
  • Died: Andrew Johnson, Franz Liszt, Charles Hires [rootbeer], Bill Russell
Today I am reading Philippians 2:1-2. As I read these two verses, my mind focuses on the word "if." One of my favorite poems and one I have asked my grandson to read and reread is "If" by Rudyard Kipling. Kipling writes an "if"--"then" poem. If you are and can do certain things, then you will be a man my son. If you can:
    Keep your head when others are not keeping theirs
    Trust yourself when others doubt
    Wait patiently
    Be the target of lies without resorting to lying
    Be the target of hatred, but not respond with hate
    Dream and think, but not just be a dreamer or thinker 
    Win and lose with grace
    Start over when things go bad
    Take risks and not be changed by the results
Then you will be a man, my son.

Here in Philippians, Paul gives an "if"-"then." But the one Paul posits contain "ifs" that are all facts.
    There is any encouragement in Christ
    There is any consolation of love
    If there is any fellowship of the Spirit
    If there is any affection and compassion
The answer to these "ifs" is YES there is. So if there is any encouragement in Christ--any hope that He gives. If His love consoles you [comforts you in times of grief or disappointment]. If the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life provides fellowship with God and Jesus. If you are the recipient of Christ's love and compassion. What difference should this make in my life?

Paul is asking the church at Philippi to be united with him as He is united with Christ. But this morning, God is saying to me, Larry, if you are the recipient of these blessings in Christ--hope, love, comfort, compassion, love, adoption--then live in unity with your brothers and sisters. And the Lord reminds me to stop for just a moment and think about the if/then of my life. If you are in Christ and He is in you, how should you then live? Yesterday's sermon was on the two great commandments--love God and love your neighbor. If I have received these blessings from Jesus, my worthy response is loving God and loving others. 



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