Thought for July 28, 2023
- 1914: The foxtrot introduced by Harry Fox in NYC
- 1917: Silent Parade in New York City to protest lynchings
- 1945: Betty Lou Oliver survives elevator fall of 75 stories when plane hits the Empire State Building
- 1976: Tangshan Earthquake kills 240,000 in Northern China
- Born: Beatrix Potter, Jackie Kennedy,
- Died: Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach,
Reading another familiar verse this morning--Philippians 1:21-24, especially 1:21. This is a theme in the life of Paul. Back in Galatians 2:20, Paul told us: "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered Himself for me."
Paul is in prison. He does not know his fate. But he is confident that these circumstances will turn out for the progress of the gospel. In 1:22, Paul says he really doesn't know which to choose--death that is gain or life that is Christ. What a statement. I don't know which is better to live here in the flesh and labor for the Lord [1:22] or death and be in the presence of the Lord. What would you say? I think for Paul he would say whatever gives Christ more glory and whatever helps the progress of the gospel. Lord, You decide! When you read Galatians 2:20 in connection with this verse, it becomes clear--Paul of the flesh is dead already, his life is Christ living in him. So whether his body lives is of no effect--either way, his spirit is secure--laboring here or resting with Jesus.
Lord help me adopt that same truth. I have been crucified with You--let all that is the human Larry get out of the way so that You have complete control of my body, mind, thoughts, attitudes. As long as You allow me to be on this earth, let me be in fruitful labor for You. When You decide to call me home, I am ready.
Paul says it well--I have the desire to depart and be with Christ for that is so much better for me; however, I will remain as long as Christ allows for the benefit of others. So use me Lord to help others know and love You. [1:22-23]
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