Thought for July 20, 2023
- 1881: Sitting Bull surrenders
- 1968: Jan and Larry Thrailkill say "I do" and they still do
- 1969: Apollo 11 lands on the moon
- 1976: Hank Aaron hits #755 and his last home run
- Born: Alexander the Great, Edmund Hillary,
- Died: Bruce Lee
Fifty five years ago today, a Saturday, Jan and I said "I do." I am sure neither of us knew what that really meant. But I am so grateful that she said it. I have told you before that I do not recall everything about the ceremony, but one thing Dr. Sherrill said has stuck in my mind for all these years--only the placement of one letter differentiates "united" and "untied." Where you place the "I" in your relationship will determine whether you remain united or become untied. We remain united.
Interesting that Ephesians 4:4-6 would be the place I am reading today since it speaks of a seven-fold oneness that unites the body of Christ--one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. As I think about this unity, I think that Dr. Sherrill was right about the placement of "I' with regard to each of these as well. Three of the seven speak of the Triune God-Spirit, Son, Father. If I desire to stay united with God in three persons, then I need to place the "I" in the right place. When I place the "I" in the wrong place, try to sit on the throne of my life, attempt to live in my own strength, my own attitudes, my own wisdom---I become untied; my relationship cools, my fellowship weakens. When I place the "I" in the right place, I experience love, peace, joy.
The placement of the "I" also impacts the body. Paul will talk about this more in 4:7-16. If I expect the body to cater to my wants and my needs, there will be issues. When I seek to meet the needs of the body and think about the body's health and growth, things seem to work out better and my complaints disappear.
This carries over to how I place the "I" in my faith and hope. If my focus is on my hopes and my faith, I become self-centered. If I think about the hope and faith of others--how does my walk impact their faith and hope, how does my attitude help or hurt their hope and faith--then I am more concerned about others than myself.
As Jan and I celebrate and reflect today, my prayer is to place the "I" in the right place in our relationship--then I want to be sure that where I place the "I" does not cause issues in the body of Christ--He calls us to unity.
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