Thought for July 18, 2023
- 64: Great Fire in Rome
- 1290: England expels Jews--ban lasts 350 years
- 1925: "Mein Kampf" published
- 2013:Detroit files for bankruptcy
- Born/; Nelson Mandela, Nick Faldo
- Died: Jane Austen, William Westmoreland
Reading Ephesians 3:14-21 today. In the first part of this chapter, Paul has presented his ministry, to take the gospel of Christ to the Gentiles [3:6-9]. Now Paul prays for the church. Consider his prayer this morning.
- The source from which Paul seeks God's blessing: Christ's riches in glory. [3:16] What a place to start our prayers. When I pray, I am seeking blessings from a storehouse of riches in heavenly places. If I pray for wisdom--I want the wisdom that comes from Christ's riches of wisdom. If I want peace or joy, I seek them from the riches of joy and peace found in Christ alone. When God tells Malachi to bring the tithes into the storehouse and He will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing, we often think the blessing will be money like the tithe; however, that's not what God says---He says He will pour out a blessing from His storehouse. What do you think God keeps in His storehouse? The picture here is the same picture as in Genesis 7:11 where God opens the windows of heaven and rain pours for 40 days. When God pours out a blessing in is overwhelming, abundant, unmeasured. So, when I pray, I pray that God will pour out peace, joy, love, patience, kindness, gentleness, faith---and the source is bountiful.
- Now notice what Paul prays that God will release from Christ's riches
- Strength with power [3:16]. When I think about power and strength, I generally think physical and external. Here Paul prays for strength that is spiritual and internal--inner man. How often do I pray for inner strength, for the power to resist temptation in my inner man. Paul understands what it means to endure affliction and knows that the battle is spiritual. Now notice Paul prays for strength and power so that our faith will grow [3:17]. When we resist evil, we grow stronger in faith, trusting Christ to strengthen us again when temptation comes. We often say, start by trusting God in the small things, then as my faith grows, I am ready to face bigger trials with strength and power.
- Comprehension of the love of Christ [3:18] Paul wants us to comprehend--grasp, take hold of---the enormity of Christ's love for us. How can you measure that love--length, width, height. It is amazing and boundless. Think about how we try and tell people how much we love them--words are inadequate--how much do you love your children and grandchildren? Tell me. You can't. Now think about how much Christ loves you--how do we comprehend that? Paul challenges us to consider the love of Christ every day.
- And the goal is to be filled with the fullness of God [3:19] God is love and light. Paul says that if we by faith trust the promises of God and understand the love of Christ, we will begin to be filled with the fullness of God.
- Well, Paul has talked about the power available in Christ and the love of Christ, now how does that apply to me. Read 3:20. If I am open to it, Christ is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can imagine--exceedingly, abundant strength; exceedingly abundant love. If today, I am filled with the love of Christ and powered by the strength of Christ, what kind of day will it be? Beyond all I can ask or think!
- And that truth causes us to join with Paul in praise to Jesus [3:21]--To Him be all glory and honor forever.
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