Thought for July 14, 2023
1789: Bastille Day
1850: First public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration
1946: Dr. Spock publishes his book on child raising
Born: Gerald Ford, Jane Lynch
Died: Billy the Kid,
Reading Ephesians 2:1-7 today. Of course, these verses lead us to 2:8 -9 which most of us can quote. But today, I am thinking about the first 7 verses of this chapter. At the end of chapter 1, Paul lifts praise to Jesus, the head of the church. Now he turns to us.
- Before Christ we were:
- Dead in our trespasses and sin. Every time I read this, I think about Zombies. Yes, I know that is weird, but think about it. The world seems to be fascinated with zombies--the walking dead. We have television shows and movies that draw millions of viewers and many books that attract avid readers. The tragedy is we failed to look around and realize that all that are not in Christ are actually walking dead. In the shows and movies and books, people are looking for cures, antidotes. Well, in Christ we have the cure. Only in Christ is their life. Only in Him is there a future life, not an eternal death. This statement should cause us to raise shouts of praise and thanksgiving to God for His indescribable gift in Christ; and it should move us to action to try and present the cure to as many people as possible.
- Living in our fleshly lust. Even though we were dead in the spirit, we were alive in our lusts. Read 1 John 2:16 this morning. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. It was true in Genesis 3 [the fruit was beautiful to look at, would taste good, and would make me like God] and it is true today.
- Indulging in the desires of our flesh. A few weeks ago we were studying David and Bathsheba in Sunday School. In 2 Samuel 12 you can see the lust of the flesh and indulging in the desires of the flesh. David saw Bathsheba bathing--the lust of the eyes. He sent for her and laid with her--the lust of the flesh. Then he covered it up and had her husband killed to protect his pride and honor. Same with us today--we let our eyes wander; then our thoughts raise greed, envy, jealousy, lust. Then we think, we deserve it [pride of life], we want it, we can get it.
- Children of God's wrath. Dead in our sin, living in the flesh, indulging in our desires made us subject to the wrath of God, a holy God.
- BUT GOD. Here is the greatest three letter word I know "but." Notice, it doesn't say that I decided to become better, behave better, live better. It doesn't say that I changed my ways, fixed my issues--and even if I could, what about the thoughts and actions I had already committed. It says that God initiated a plan for my salvation. It was His idea. It was His grace.
- Merciful. God extended mercy-He did not give me what I deserved.
- Loving. God is love and love poured out on Calvary.
- Raised us with Christ. WOW! In chapter 1 we celebrated the power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at the right hand of God and place everything under His feet. Now Paul reminds us that in love and mercy and grace, God raises us with Christ so that we can be with Him forever--adopted, redeemed, saved.
- WHY? What caused God to send Jesus? So that for all the ages to come we would be proof of, evidence of His grace--trophies of the grace of God. And so that He could show us the surpassing riches of His Son.
This morning, Lord let my life be evidence of Your surpassing greatness and grace.
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