Thought for July 13, 2023

1832: Source of the Mississippi River located at Lake Itasca, MN

1862: Battle of Murfreesboro begins

1865: Horace Greeley says "Go west, young man." 

1917: Three children claim to see Virgin Mary at Fatima

1966: Hare Krishna is founded in New York

Born: Julius Caesar, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Patrick Stewart, Harrison Ford

Died: Joy Lewis [wife of CS Lewis], Frida Kahlo


Reading Ephesians 1:15-23 today. You may be glad that I have finally left 1:3-14. Paul has counted his blessings in heavenly places and now turns to the church at Ephesus. Paul prays a prayer for the church in these verses that we can use to pray for each other, for our church and other churches. In light of God's blessings, look at what Paul prays for the church-- That the church and every member would have

  • A spirit of wisdom and revelation. [1:17] Wisdom and revelation comes from knowing God as He reveals Himself to us. God is wisdom and His Spirit gives us wisdom to know and follow His will, to understand and trust His purpose and timing. To rely upon his promises without doubt or fear. 
  • An enlightened heart [1:18] He prays for a heart that has been lighted by the true Light--the Light that has come into the world. The Light that reveals every heart and mind. The Light that gives direction and is a lamp unto our feet. The Light that dispels the darkness and gives hope and peace. 
    • Hope of His calling. An enlightened heart that hears His call, responds to His call, and follows His call. A heart that understands that the only hope is in His call. 
    • Riches of His inheritance. Following His call is not easy and the road may be difficult, so Paul prays that the church will keep its eye on the prize for the high calling in Christ Jesus. The prize awaits the victor and the prize is worth every sacrifice. The riches of His inheritance make all else simply garbage. 
    • Greatness of His power. Hearing and following His call, keeping our eye on the prize and understanding the riches of our inheritance in Christ, we need power to endure, overcome and be victorious. So Paul prays that we we know in our lives the greatness of His power.
      • Raised Jesus from the dead. It is a power that transforms death into life. It is a power that overcomes sin and the grave. It is a power that nothing can stop or delay. There is power in the name of the Lord. There is hope in the name of the Lord. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. 
      • Seated Jesus at the right hand of the Father. The power not only raises us from death to life, the power delivers us to the throne of grace. The power seated Jesus in heaven with God the Father; it gave Him authority over every other power in heaven and on earth.And that same power can give us victory over all the fiery darts of Satan and all the temptations and schemes he puts before us. 
      • Put all things under Jesus' feet. Jesus stands over everything and everyone. The world is His footstool. At His name every knee will bow. Paul wants us to know that our King is the eternal reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Recently we have sung a song in worship, "Behold Our God". It's in my head this morning--"Behold our God, seated on His throne, Come let us adore Him. Behold our King, nothing can compare, come let us adore Him." 
      • Made Jesus the head over the church. Wow! Lord, help us understand this. The pastor is not head over the church; the elders are not head over the church; the deacons are not head over the church; the members are not head over Your church. It is Your body; bought with Your blood; You alone are the head--may every idea, every thought, every motive; every attitude come from the head--Christ alone. 
Join in Paul's prayer this morning.


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