Thought for June 8, 2023


  • 65: Jews revolt against Rome capturing the fortress of Antonia in Jerusalem
  • 452: Attila invades Italy
  • 1786: Commercially made ice cream first advertised
  • 1824: Washing machine patented
  • 1861: Tennessee votes to secede
  • 1869: Vacuum cleaner patented
  • 1896: First auto theft when a Peugeot is stolen in Paris
  • 1920: Red's Ed Roush ejected for sleeping in center field during a long argument in the infield
  • 1942: Bing Crosby records "Silent Night"
  • 1953: 113 killed by tornadoes in Flint MI
  • 1958: Mickey Wright wins her first of 13 LPGA Majors
  • 1983: "Trading Places" released
  • 2020: Kathy Sullivan, 1st woman to walk in space, is the first woman to reach the deepest point in the ocean--Marianas Trench
  • Born: Robert Schumann, Frank Lloyd Wright, Francis Crick [DNA], Byron White, Robert Preston, LeRoy Nieman, Barbara Bush, Joan Rivers, Nany Sinatra, William Calley [My Lai], Julianna Margulies, Kayne West
  • Died: Mohammad [approximate date. Aren't you glad the founder of our faith lives!], Thomas Paine, Andrew Jackson, Walter Hunt [invented safety pin and sewing machine], Cochise, Satchel Paige, Anthony Bourdain, Bonnie Pointer
Andrew Jackson died on this day in 1845. He gathered his grandchildren and blessed each one telling them they must keep the Sabbath and read the New Testament. When crying ensued, Jackson told his family, "do not grieve for me; it is true I am going to leave you; I am well aware of my situation; I have suffered much bodily pain, but my sufferings are but as nothing compared to that which our blessed Savior endured upon the accursed cross, that we might all be saved who put their trust in Him." 

Have you ever thought about why God placed the "Love Chapter" where He did? ! Corinthians 13 is one of the most familiar passages in the Bible--even non-believers and those who are not very learned in the Bible know this chapter or at least parts of it. Why is it placed here? Look back at chapter 12. Apparently the church at Corinth had some problems. People must have argued about which gifts of the Spirit were superior, most important. Other churches had the same issue that destroys unity [Ephesians 4]. So Paul first reminds the church at Corinth that gifts are given for the good of the body and that there is no ranking of gifts--all are necessary and valuable. In order to grasp this and practice this, Paul then speaks about the love that we have for each other. When we apply love, the disputes about gifts go away--love covers a multitude of sins. 

What does chapter 13 really say about love?
  • First, Paul tells us that without love, other gifts are worthless and useless. I can speak in tongues, but if I do not do so in love, my speaking is simply noise, irritating noise, discordant noise. If I am a prophet, or wise man, or powerful in faith, but do not have love, I am a zero. I hope we get that. The greatest orator that ever lived is just a noisy gong if she speaks without love. The greatest Bible scholar in the world is a zero if she lacks love. Why does Paul say these things--we use gifts God has given us as weapons to demonstrate our superiority and put others down. And suppose I am the biggest donor to the church or I take a vow of poverty and use my resources for others, but I do it seeking the praise of man, the respect of others, I do not gain anything with the Lord. 
  • Now Paul tells us the characteristics of love: patient, kind, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, never fails. And he lists what love is not: jealous, arrogant, proud, selfish, rude, irritable, vengeful. God is love, so we see His character reflect the qualities of love. And we know that God does not have any of the qualities that are contrary to love. We know that Jesus is God and in His life we see love lived to the fullest. 
  • Then Paul concludes by telling us that in heaven our faith will have been rewarded, our hope will have been realized, but our love will continue eternally. 
This is a beautiful passage--but then I realize that when I line up my life against these verses, I may match more of the things love is not than the things love is. Lord, help me be like You so that my life will be a life of love. 



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