Thought for June 30, 2023
1860: Samuel Wilberforce and Thomas Huxley debate Darwin's theory of evolution
1898: Fist known automobile ad--Scientific America--"dispense with a horse"
1938: Superman first appears in DC Comics
1955: Johnny Carson Show debuts
Born: Susan Hayward, Mike Tyson, Michael Phelps
Died: Lillian Hellman, Mrs. Martin Luther King, Sr. [shot in Ebenezer Baptist Church
Continuing today with a look at 2 Corinthians 9 and focused on 9:8. Yesterday we read that we were to sow the seeds God provides cheerfully and expectantly, not coveting the seed for ourselves. I love verse 8 because it assures me that when I sow my time, my talents, my gifts, my resources, I do so in total reliance on God's grace.
- God is able. What are the limits on God's ability? He created the universe from nothing. He speaks worlds into existence. He raises the dead with a command. He stops the sun in its motion. He parts seas. Is anything to difficult for God? So when God tells me to sow bountifully and cheerfully, I can do that because the one who gave the command is able--able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask or think.
- To make all grace abound toward me. The One with all ability can direct all grace toward me. How much is all grace? How would you measure that? But we sow with the faith that God who is able can pour out grace upon us--all grace that is needed, all grace that is required, all grace that is sufficient for the day.
- Why? So that I will always have all sufficiency in everything. Have you noticed the inclusive terms--all grace, always, all sufficient, in everything. WOW! I can sow cheerfully, because the God of all grace, the God able to do anything, will pour out all grace, always, in every situation. So when I lack time, He supplies; when I lack love, He supplies, when I lack joy or peace, He supplies.
- Why? So that I can do every good deed He calls me to do. Think about that--when God places a task before me, when God whispers a job into my ear, when God nudges me that I can serve---he will always, in every circumstance, pour out all grace so that I will be sufficient to the task. So, He asks, Larry what is your excuse when I call on you?
This verse has helped me trust God when He calls for me to serve, go, help, give. I understand why Paul would say, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I understand why Isaiah would say, "Here am I Lord, send me." When we hear and obey, God promises to supply seed for the sower and all grace. What else do I need?
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