Thought for June 27


1950: Truman orders Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict

1967: First ATM installed, London

Born: Helen Keller

Died: Joseph Smith [lynched by a mob in Carthage IL], Jack Lemon, James Mountain [wrote the tune for "Like a River Glorious"]


Continuing with 2 Corinthians 6:4-10 this morning. Yesterday we read that Paul and Jesus urge us to not receive the grace of God in vain, giving no offense in any situation, so that the ministry of the gospel would never be discredited. In the following verses, Paul tell us what that means in daily living. Rather than discrediting the gospel ministry, powered by God's grace I commend/recommend the gospel by serving God--makes you think of Romans 12:1-2--we are transformed, not conformed by the renewing of our minds so that we can prove/demonstrate the perfect will of God. Here are some ways Paul urges us to be good examples of servants of God.

  • Endure with joy and peace. Well, that seems easy to do on most days. But that's not Paul's idea. He says you will demonstrate the power of the grace of God when you endure in affliction, hardship, distress, beatings, imprisonment, tumults, labors, sleeplessness, hunger. And Paul has suffered all these things. He says the way the world will recognize that you belong to Jesus is that His grace will allow you to endure even the worst situations and circumstances. James tells us to consider it all joy when we encounter various trials. We have all seen it--that saint who smiles and glows with joy in circumstances that are unthinkable, unspeakable. The world responds to these afflictions with anger, bitterness, defeat, blaming others--we respond with the joy only grace provides and the strength grace yields. 
  • Endure with purity, knowledge, patience, kindness and love--all through the Holy Spirit. Interesting choices by Paul. Despite the afflictions, we keep our thoughts, attitudes and words pure--never tainted with hate, anger, vicious words. We endure with the knowledge that these trials are temporary and light; we carry on with the knowledge that He is with us, will not forsake us, and that in Him we are able to endure. We stay filled with the Holy Spirit and His fruit of love, joy, kindness, patience and peace all reign in our lives. So we love those that hate us, we are kind to those who mistreat us, we are patient with others and with ourselves. 
  • Endure in the word, in the power of God, using the weapons of righteousness. We read and trust His word, we rely on His power, and we put on His armor. These are the tools of battle for the Christian--not the weapons of this world but weapons uniquely prepared to tear down every barrier and every force of evil. 
  • Endure no matter how the world responds--glory or dishonor, called a liar even though telling the truth, whether famous or unknown, whether living or dying. We endure when we are on the bottom and when we find ourselves on top. We endure even when the world calls our truth a lie. We endure whether we are on our first breath or our last breath. 
  • Enduring whether rich or poor in this world. How? We recognize we have nothing, yet we have all things. He owns everything, we steward what He entrusts. But we do it with the knowledge that we are joint heirs with Christ--we inherit His riches in glory
  • And notice--we are always rejoicing. For we have a hope that the world cannot take, secured by the blood of Christ. We have a joy that the world cannot understand. We have a peace that even we do not understand, but it is as real as our next breath. 
See why I said this is a difficult passage for me to read. I find myself so often not doing what Jesus and Paul urge me to do--do not receive the grace of God in vain--His grace is sufficient for every need and His supply is abundant. 



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