Thought for June 26, 2023

I have been writing a daily thought [except Sunday] since March of 2020. I began posting on this blog last June 13, 2022. I have covered the historical events with each post for 3 years. Going forward, I may include an important event, birthday or death, but will not be repeating those that I have previously posted. If you want to see the history, you can refer back to the post from last year.  Larry

1097: Armies of the First Crusade occupy Nicea
1284: According to the Luneburg manuscript, a piper leads 130 children away from Hamelin
1917: First U.S. troops arrive in France during WWI
1945: UN Charter signed
1955: The first Southern Baptist church organized in LasVegas is chartered
1974: Universal Product Code used for the first time--Wrigley's chewing gum in Troy Ohio
Born: Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Ariana Grande, Pearl Buck
Died: Pizarro, Roy Campanella, Liz Claiborne, Nora Ephron

  • We urge you.  Are there some passages in the Bible that are difficult for you to read? No, I am not talking about Numbers, Song of Solomon, or passages with a list of names we cannot pronounce. I mean passages that are really hard for your to apply to your life with joy. Well, 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 today and probably will be reading it again tomorrow. Take a look with me at verses 1-3. . Paul says he is working with Him and together they have something they want to speak urgently about. The "Him" is Jesus, for in 5 :20-21, Paul calls  us ambassadors for Christ. Now, he wants to plead with us to be good ambassadors--truthful, consistent, sincere, faithful and loyal ambassadors. So as I begin to read these verses, I am first called to remember--I am His ambassador. He wants to urge me to be a faithful ambassador in every situation and under every circumstance.
  • Do not receive the grace of God in vain. We are ambassadors of God by the grace of God--read 5:21 again. He who knew no sin became sin that I might become the righteousness of God. That is grace. He paid the price that I could enjoy the benefits. When I do not walk worthy of His sacrifice or worthy of God's grace, I walk in vain. In verses 4-10, Paul will mention the grace and the circumstances.
  • Give no cause for offense in anything. Whatever the situation, whatever the circumstance, no matter the trial or tribulation, do not give cause for offense. Bless those that curse you, pray for those that misuse you, turn the other cheek. Face the day with joy and peace; let love abound. As far as it depends on me, be at peace. 
  • WHY? So that the ministry will not be discredited. If I am an ambassador, my words and actions reflect on the One I serve. Because His grace is sufficient, because I have received His grace in abundance, because His grace has the power to transform the scarlet into pure white and the vilest offender into the purist saint, I must not discredit the ministry. As a kid, we hoped someone would say, "he is a credit to his family." He is a positive representative of his family and its good name. The same here, in Christ we are part of the family, we bear the family name. So, we allow God's amazing grace to strengthen us and free us to be a credit to His ministry--the ministry of reconciliation. 
See why this is a hard passage. Paul does not pull any punches---Larry, you are an ambassador for the ministry of Jesus. Jesus has given you all the grace needed to serve well and faithfully. Do not receive that grace in vain. Filled and powered by His grace, we can fulfill His ministry. 



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