Thought for May 3


  • 1802: Washington DC incorporated
  • 1845: First African American lawyer admitted to the bar
  • 1901: Fire destroys 1700 buildings in Jacksonville, FL
  • 1915: John McCrae writes "In Flanders Fields"
  • 1936: Joe DiMaggio makes his major league debut
  • 1937: Margaret Mitchell wins Pulitzer for "Gone with the Wind"
  • 1941: Whirlaway wins Kentucky Derby on the way to the Triple Crown
  • 1948: First broadcast of CBS Evening News
  • 1963: High pressure hoses turned on children in march in Birmingham
  • 1971: NPR begins broadcasting
  • 1978: First bulk unsolicited commercial email --SPAM
  • 1999: F5 tornado hits Oklahoma City killing 42
  • 2002: "Spiderman" movie premiers
  • 202: Mike Pompeo says China responsible for Covid
  • Born: Machiavelli, Francoise Coty [perfume], William Whiting ["Eternal Father Strong to Save", the Navy Hymn], Golda Meir, Mary Astor, Pete Seeger, Sugar Ray Robinson, James Brown, Ron Popeil, David Koch, Greg Gumble, Brooks Koepka, 
  • Died: Earl Woods, Wally Shirra
John 16:16-22 is truth I need to hear. Jesus is telling His disciples that for a little while, they will not see Him. BUT, then in a little while they will see Him again. This not seeing and then seeing is accompanied by feelings--weeping and lamenting, followed by joy. Think about that for a moment. Think about missing someone, and then seeing and holding them again. Tears turned to joy. Sorrow becomes rejoicing. 

Several memories and images come to mind. A wife and mother saying goodbye to her husband leaving for battle. A parent leaving a child at college for the first time. A loved one going on a long journey--weeping at the airport only to rejoice when they return. When I was with the 49ers, I would get excited and rejoice on Fridays. I'd only been gone a week or 10 days, but I was flying home and would meet Jan for dinner. Just like those dates back in 1964. Here Jesus is talking to the disciples about His death, His 3 days in the tomb and His resurrection appearances. Think about what Jesus may be saying to you today.

We know Jesus if we are in Christ. He lives in us and His Holy spirit guides and directs us. We know Him and talk to Him. But this thing we call life separates us from Him. So our joy may seem to be incomplete, our time of full rejoicing has not come. But then one day, either He will return in glory or our eyes will close here and open in His presence--and our joy will be complete. This makes me wonder again about those first post-resurrection meetings--He is alive and what joy must have filled the Marys and the other women, what joy must have filled the disciples in the upper room and those on the Emmaus Road. This morning reading this passage makes me sing "When We All Get to Heaven." Some of you recall the words--"when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be; when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory."

Today, let the rejoicing begin--we will see Him in a little while.



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