Thought for May 26


  • 1538: Geneva expels John Calvin--lasts 3 years
  • 1647: Alse Young is first person executed as a witch in American colonies
  • 1805: Lewis and Clark sight the Rocky Mountains
  • 1864: Territory of Montana formed
  • 1868: Senate fails to impeach Andrew Johnson by 1 vote
  • 1897: Bram Stoker publishes "Dracula"
  • 1908: Mr & Mrs. Jacob Murdock and their children are the first family to cross America by car--LA to NYC in 32 days, 5 hours and 25 minutes in a Packard
  • 1923: First 24 hours of Le Mans race
  • 1927: Last Model T built
  • 1940: First successful helicopter flight in the US
  • 1959: Harvey Haddix pitches 12 perfect innings--loses in the 13th
  • 1972: SALT accord signed by Brezhnev and Nixon
  • 2004: Terry Nichols found guilty in Oklahoma City bombing
  • 2021: 9 people killed by co-worker in public transit facility in San Jose CA
  • Born: Isadora Duncan [dancer], Al Jolson, Estes Kefauver, John Wayne, Jay Silverheels [Tonto], Peter Cushing, Peggy Lee, James Arness, Miles Davis, Jack Kevorkian, Stevie Nicks, Hank Williams Jr., Sally Ride, Lenny Kravitz, Helena Bonham Carter, 
  • Died: Samuel Pepys, Jimmie Rodgers, Edsel Ford, Eddie Albert, Sydney Pollack, Art Linkletter, Alan Bean [astronaut, 4th on the moon], Bart Starr, Ray Liotta, 
Looking at First Corinthians 1:1-9 this morning--what a powerful greeting to the church at Corinth, a church that was dealing with many problems. Amazing that Paul would say these things to a church that he will have to correct and admonish about so many things. Perhaps this tells me to be positive and an encourager even to those that need correction or admonishment. 

This morning I join with Paul in thanking God for you [1:4-8]
  • I thank God for His grace poured out on you in the person of Jesus. I rejoice that in His grace, God sent Jesus for you and me, to redeem us, deliver us, save us, and give us eternal life. So as I think about you, I thank God for the salvation He gave to you and me in Christ.
  • That God was not satisfied just to save us--I thank God that He made available to those in Christ all the riches of Christ--those we enjoy in this life and those that await us in heaven. Think about the riches we have in Jesus. He teaches us how to speak through the Holy Spirit, providing just the right words at the right time. And He provides all the wisdom and knowledge we need to live lives fully committed to Him. Take a look at verse 20--He made foolish the wisdom of the world. God gives us a wisdom that the world does not understand or comprehend. 
  • God has gifted us with gifts perfectly fitted for us. He has given every child gifts--so I cannot say I am not gifted. And He gives us gifts perfectly suited for the calling He makes on our lives. In Christ we are complete--lacking nothing. Now the world may say we are lacking something--wealth, resources, position, power, fame, fortune, worldly gifts---but Jesus says, in Me you lack nothing needed for life and service. 
  • God confirms us with hope and assurance. We face the future with a smile not dread. He walk into each day with expectation not anxiety. We can face tomorrow because He lives. 
This morning, thank God for Jesus, for the riches we share in Christ, for the gifts He gives for our service, and for the assurance that He is sufficient for today and tomorrow and forever. 



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