Thought for May 24


  • 1738: John Wesley converted at Aldersgate
  • 1775: John Hancock elected President of the Continental Congress
  • 1830: "Mary Had a Little Lamb" first published
  • 1844: Samuel Morse taps, "What hath God wrought"--first telegraph message
  • 1883: Brooklyn Bridge opens 
  • 1954: Lufthansa Airlines formed
  • 1974: Last "Dean Martin Show" airs
  • 1976: First commercial flight of the SST-Concorde
  • 1978: Term "glass ceiling" coined by Marilyn Loden
  • 1989: "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" premiers
  • Born: Daniel Fahrenheit, Queen Victoria, HB Reese [invented Reese's], George Nakashima [furniture maker], Jimmy Demaret, Theodore Hesburgh [President Notre Dame and friend], Bob Dylan, Gary Burghoff [Radar on MASH], Patti LaBelle, Priscilla Presley, Rosanne Cash, Kristin Scott Thomas, John C Reilly, Joey Logano, 
  • Died: Copernicus, John Foster Dulles, Duke Ellington, Dick Martin [Rowan & Martin], 

Reading Romans 14:13 this morning. "Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this---not to put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother's way." The first part of this chapter really addresses our judgmental pride--we look with contempt upon a brother who does not exercise his faith like we do--eats different things, drinks different things, wears different things, worships to different music. I somehow feel that my way is superior, more righteous. And rally what is happening is an exercise of pride. In this chapter the word "contempt" is used several times. We look at people as less worthy than us--we view them with disrespect or disdain. 

Paul tells us that rather than judging with contempt, we lovingly avoid placing obstacles or stumbling blocks in their paths. Most of the time when this passage is cited it is with regard to alcoholic beverages. But the verse is so much more. I create an obstacle or stumbling block any time my words or actions do not reflect Christ because I present to my brother an incorrect witness, a wrong example of what it means to walk in Christ. Do I tell my brother that a Christian can use suggestive language if joking; that a Christian can tell off color jokes or attend movies filled with filth and it's okay. Do I tell my brother that gossip is fine for Christians if I call it "sharing." The Lord convicts me and chastens me about the ways I mislead brothers about what a Christian walk looks like. 

Lord, help us seek holiness, avoid judging with contempt and live worthy of Your calling. 



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