Thought for May 16


  • 1860: Republicans select Abraham Lincoln as Presidential candidate
  • 1866: Congress authorizes nickel to replace half-dime
  • 1868: Senate fails to impeach Andrew Johnson by one vote
  • 1876: Hires Root Beer presented at the Centennial Exposition
  • 1891: George Hormel establishes Hormel Foods
  • 1918: Sedition Act passed by Congress--illegal to criticize government
  • 1943: Dambuster Raid--bouncing bombs
  • 1965: SpaghettiO's introduced
  • 1966: Beach Boys release "Pet Sounds" with "Sloop John B", "Wouldn't it be Nice", and "God Only Knows"
  • 1986: "Top Gun" premiers
  • 2019: Last episode of "The Big Bang Theory"
  • 2020: JC Penney files for bankruptcy after 118 years
  • Born: William Seward ["Seward's Folly"], H.H. Holmes [serial killer of 27], Henry Fonda, Woody Herman [jazz], Liberace, Billy Martin, Pierce Brosnan, Debra Winger, Olga Korbut, Janet Jackson, Tucker Carlson, 
  • Died: Charles Perrault ["Tales of Mother Goose"], Eliot Ness, Margaret Hamilton [Wizard of Oz], Jim Henson, Sammy Davis Jr., I.M. Pei, 
Looking at Acts 10:34 today: I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality. And I am asking myself, do I really understand that truth. Do I understand that God is not partial to people based on race, nationality, skin color, education, wealth, church attendance. What a simple truth--if I really understand it, where is my pride, my ego, my boasting. 

Lord, forgive me for judging people based on things that do not matter. Lord, forgive me for giving priority to people based upon their position, power, influence. Forgive me Lord for ranking people based on their wealth, clothes, intelligence. 

This verse hit home today. Made me focus again on the fact that we are sinners saved by grace. There is nothing in me that makes me special or worthy--only the value that Jesus placed upon me matters and He died for all who would accept Him as Savior and Lord. 

Satan has such an easy time using our pride and ego to tell us we are special, better, more worthy than others--but then the truth hits--we are dirty rags without the saving power of Christ. 

Today, Lord help me meet people, talk to people, love people understanding that You are not partial. 



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