Thought for May 12


  • 1777: First ice cream advertisement printed in the NY Gazette
  • 1792: William Carey publishes "An Inquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens." It becomes the manifesto for Protestant missions.
  • 1932: Body of Lindbergh baby is found
  • 1942: 1500 Jews killed with gas at Auschwitz
  • 1942: Nazi U-boat sinks American cargo ship at the mouth of the Mississippi
  • 1951: First test of the hydrogen bomb
  • 1978: Commerce Department says hurricanes will no longer be limited to female names
  • 2002: Jimmy Carter visits Fidel Castro in Cuba
  • 2020: Russia confirms 232,000 Covid cases
  • Born: Florence Nightingale, Henry Cabot Lodge, Katherine Hepburn, Howard K Smith, Mary Kay Ash [cosmetics], Julius Rosenberg [1st U.S. citizen executed for espionage], Yogi Berra, Burt Bacharach, Tom Snyder, George Carlin, Ron Ziegler, Steve Winwood, Homer Simpson, Vanessa Williams, Jim Furyk, Mike Weir,
  • Died: JEB Stuart, Robert Reed [Mike on the "Brady Bunch"], Erik Erikson [coined the phase "identity crisis"] Perry Como
Today, the rest of the story. Yesterday we were considering Acts 4:1-12--by what name? Peter has answered--there is only one name and it is Jesus. Today read 4:13-21, the leaders and rulers respond. What do we notice about the leaders response and how Peter and John then answer.
  • The leaders observation--
    • Peter and John were uneducated and untrained fishermen. The rulers, scribers, leaders and priests were trained and educated, yet these men had performed a miracle, preached a sermon, stirred the hearts of 5000 men. How could this be? They marveled [4:13] When Christians live in the name and power of Christ, the world marvels. The world does not understand. 
    • Peter and John had been with Jesus. [4:13] What a statement. Here is a goal of my life--people look at me and say, "Larry has been with Jesus." Think about that--it was obvious to the world that these men had been with Jesus. Our constant prayer is that as we walk in this world, others would see Jesus in us. What a great old hymn. "Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, let others see Jesus in you."
    • They had nothing to say in response to the transformed life of the man who was healed. [4:14] When we are transformed by the power  of the living Christ--our attitudes, actions, thoughts, ways are changed--the world has no explanation. 
    • The world cannot deny that something amazing and marvelous has happened [4:16] The best evidence of Christ is a transformed life.
    • The world does not know what do do about a transformed life [4:16] 
  • The leaders command: don't speak or teach in the name of Jesus [4:18] This sounds familiar
    • Don't pray in schools
    • Take down Biblical quotes in public places.
    • Don't proclaim Christ as the exclusive way to God.
    • You must affirm lifestyles you know are contrary to the Bible
  • Peter and John answer--"we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard." This is our response to the world--We cannot stop speaking and proclaiming and praising. Why? If we do the very rocks will cry out His praise. His creation proclaims His glory, power, and majesty. We must keep speaking. 
Lord, today give us the courage and passion of Peter and John--we can't stop speaking about You.


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