Thought for April 20


  • 1529: "Protestant" first used to refer to those involved in the Reformation
  • 1862: Louis Pasteur completes first pasteurization test
  • 1898: Spurgeon's London Tabernacle burns
  • 1902: The Curie's isolate radium chloride
  • 1912: Fenway Park opens in Boston and Tiger Stadium in Detroit
  • 1918: The Red Baron shoots down his 79th and 80th victims--dies the following day
  • 1920: Balfour Declaration makes Palestine a British Mandate
  • 1935: "Your Hit Parade" first broadcast
  • 1940: First electron microscope demonstrated
  • 1967: Tom Seaver wins his first game
  • 1971: Barbara Streisand records "We've Only Just Begun"
  • 1971: Supreme Court upholds bussing to achieve desegregation
  • 1972: Apollo 16 lands on the moon
  • 1979: Jimmy Carter attacked by swamp rabbit
  • 1999: Columbine--13 killed, 24 injured
  • 2010: Deepwater Horizon explodes--kills 11 and creates major oil slick
  • 2020: Last three ships docked as Covid stops cruise lines
  • Born: Young Tom Morris, Adolph Hitler, Joan Miro, Lionel Hampton, George Takei, Ryan O'Neal, Steve Spurrier, Jessica Lang, Luther Vandross, Don Mattingly, Allan Houston, 
  • Died: George Clinton [1st Vice President to die in office], Bram Stoker, Benny Hill, Rubin Hurricane Carter, 
In John 7, there are three interesting questions posed about Jesus. Where is He? [7:11] No one knows where the the Christ is from, but we know where this man is from. [7:27] Where does this man intend to go? [7:35] Think about those statements for a moment.

  • Where is Jesus? A few weeks ago, many of us were asking that question on a Monday morning about 10:15. A shooter is killing teachers and children--where is Jesus? The evil seems to be winning, where is Jesus? My friend or family is struggling with disease or injury--where is Jesus? The answer--Jesus is here. Jesus is there. Jesus is everywhere. Nothing escapes His attention or His sight. Jesus was walking in that school. Jesus was in that trailer in the tornado. Jesus was in that hospital room or at the site of that accident. Jesus is here. I want so much for Him to protect the physical bodies, heal the broken bones, calm the desperate heart, mend the broken relationship. The song that keeps coming to my mind--"He Will Hold Me Fast." "When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast. . . . He'll not let my soul be lost, His promises shall last, bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast. . . .Raised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast, Til our faith be turned to sight, when He comes at last! He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast, For my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast." So when I wonder where Jesus is--He is here and He will hold me fast.
  • We know where Jesus is from, but we don't know where the Christ is from. Strange--they thought they knew that Jesus was from Nazareth. But no one knew where the Christ would come from. Jesus has answered this question in the preceding chapter--I am the bread of God that comes from heaven. You think I am a man from Nazareth--I am the Christ of heaven. Reminds me of those instances where you are in crisis and someone appears out of nowhere--helps, directs, comforts--and then they are gone. And we ask where was that person from? God sent them at just the right time. And in the fullness of time, God sent Jesus.
  • Where is Jesus going? To the Greeks? To the Diaspora? Jesus had said He was going to a place they could not find Him. A reminder that time is short--now is the time to find Jesus while He may be found. A day will come when He cannot be found. But this also speaks of Jesus going to the cross--He is going to die the death I deserved and pay the debt I cannot pay. But this question makes me ask, "Where is Jesus going today?" If I am His and He is mine, then He is going where I go. Can people tell where Jesus is going by following me? 
Today--don't forget where Jesus is. Remember where He is from and where He is going. And commit to follow Him. Jesus is with us today. He was sent from the Father and returned to His throne. He is coming again. Today, we follow Him by dying to self and allowing Him to live in and through us. And wherever we go, He will hold us fast!



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