Thought for April 17
- 1387: Characters in"The Canterbury Tales" begin their journey
- 1397: Chaucer tells the Canterbury Tales for the first time
- 1725: John Rudge leaves twenty shillings a year from his estate to the Parrish Trysull to be used to hire a poor man to keep people awake during sermons and keep dogs out of church
- 1951: Mickey Mantle's first major league game
- 1964: Ford Mustang formally introduced
- 1969: Sirhan Sirhan convicted of murder
- 1970: Apollo 13 lands safely
- 1993: Rodney King riots after 2 policemen found not guilty
- 2013: Same sex marriage legalized in New Zealand
- 2020: WHO warns that Africa could have 300,000 deaths and 30 million in poverty due to Covid
- Born: Alexander Cartwright [invented modern baseball], JP Morgan, Thornton Wilder, William Holden, Harry Reasoner, Daffy Duck, Sean Bean, Boomer Esiason, Jennifer Garner, Victoria Beckham
- Died: Benjamin Franklin, Ralph David Abernathy, Linda McCartney, Doris Roberts, Barbara Bush
Do you like leftovers? As a child, we would often have a roast on Sunday for lunch. It was the "big" meal of the week. Monday we would eat the leftover green beans, potatoes and sliced beef. Tuesday, Mom or my Grandmother would take any meat that was left and make gravy and we would have bread with gravy and potatoes. Later, I always hoped for leftovers so I would have something for lunch the next day. There were other leftovers as well--clothes, sports equipment, art supplies, cloth---amazing what my Grandmother could do with some leftover material--play costumes, patches, doll clothes for Carol.
I am reading John 6:12 this morning. Jesus has fed the 5,000---they are fully satisfied. Now He directs the disciples to "gather up the leftover fragments that nothing may be lost." Why would Jesus be concerned with the leftovers--He spoke the bread and fish into existence; He created worlds and stars. Why does He stop to make sure the leftovers are collected. Well. some scholars tell us that there were 12 baskets so each disciple would have a reminder of the miracle. Others may say Jesus intended these for the poor. Still others, may say that the leftovers would be eaten by the disciples in the days ahead, a daily reminder of God's provision. I'm not sure, but I know Jesus had a purpose. Maybe just not to waste anything--that was my Grandmother. Be a good steward of ALL the Lord provides.
Perhaps sometimes we feel like leftovers, those not selected first for the ball team. Those not picked for a speaking part in the play. Those that were "extras." If you are feeling like a leftover this morning, here is some good news---Jesus was concerned about the leftovers. He knew they were not to be discarded or ignored. He knew they were of value and worth gathering. Now that changes how I think about others too. Maybe Jesus is using this verse to remind me that those society treats as leftovers are valuable in His sight---that He wants me to be someone who sees them, ministers to them, loves them. Of course, being a leftover from one of His miracles is pretty special--Enjoy being and gathering leftovers today.
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