Thought for April 14


  • 1611: The word "Telescope" first used
  • 1828: Noah Webster files copyrigth for First American Dictionary
  • 1841: Edgar Allen Poe publishes "Murder in the Rue Morgue"]
  • 1869: First pony express arrives in San Francisco
  • 1865: Booth shoots President Lincoln
  • 1902: JC Penney opens "The Golden Rule Store"
  • 1903: Harry Plotz discovers vaccine against typhoid
  • 1910: President Taft begins tradition of President throwing out the first pitch
  • 1912: Titanic hits the iceberg
  • 1918: Douglas Campbell shoots down his 5th German plane--1st air ace
  • 1939: Steinbeck publishes "The Grapes of Wrath"
  • 1944: Ike becomes Supreme Allied Commander
  • 1950: Mitsuo Fuchida becomes a Christian. Radioed "Tora, Tora, Tora" at Pearl Harbor. Read about his story-- "Wounded Tiger"
  • 1960: Barry Gordy founds Motown Records
  • 2003: Human Genome Project completed
  • 2019: Tiger Woods wins his 5th Masters
  • Born: Anne Sullivan [educated Helen Keller], Arnold Toynby, John Gielgud, Rod Steiger, Bradford Dillman, Loretta Lynn, Julie Christie, Pete Rose, Meg Mallon, David Justice, Greg Maddux, Adrian Brody, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Baker Mayfield, 
  • Died: George Frederick Handel, Rachel Carson, Fredric March, Burl Ives, Percy Sledge
Reading the first five verses of John's Gospel this morning. Amazing the theology that is contained in these five verses. What do I learn here?
  • Jesus was in the beginning. There is not a time when Jesus did not exist. He can therefore say the same thing God the Father said to Moses--"I am." Not I was,  not I will be. I am. This tells me that there is nothing Jesus has not seen because He was in the beginning. He knows everything. 
  • Jesus is creator, not created. Nothing exists that He did not create. So He is the author, the architect, the designer, the builder---He spoke and it was so. That tells me that He made everything good and intended for everything to be good, but sin corrupted the perfection of His creation. So anything evil that exists or happens is the result of sin. Death came into the world because of sin.
  • Jesus is life. He not only created stuff, He is the creator of life. So when He claims to be the way, the truth, and the life, we understand that aside from Christ, there is no real life. We can exist, but the life is a flickering light. In Him, we have life and light that is eternal. 
  • Jesus is light. He reveals sin by comparing with His sinlessness. He lights the dark path so that we do not stumble or fall. His light gives life and illuminates our hearts and minds. His light shining in us provides hope to a dark world. 
  • Jesus is God. Not a good human who was wise and compassionate--God who loved us enough to become like us so that we can become like Him. 
Those verses may be the only theology text we need. Lord, simply let me grasp that You and You alone are God who has invited us to be related to You through adoption. 



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