Thougnt for March 23


  • 1743: Handel's "Messiah" premiers in London
  • 1775: Patrick Henry says "Give me liberty or give me death"
  • 1839: First recorded use of "OK" [oll correct"]
  • 1857: Otis installs the first elevator--488 Broadway NYC
  • 1903: Wright Brothers file patent for flying machine
  • 1929: First telephone installed at the President's desk--Herbert Hoover]
  • 1945: The Swallow Side Car Company changes its name to Jaguar
  • 1965: Gemini 3--first 2-man US space flight--Grissom and Young
  • 1981: Supreme Court allows states to require parental notification before teen age girls have an abortion
  • 2020: WHO says Covid is accelerating
  • Born: Fannie Farmer, Joan Crawford, Werner Von Braun, Roger Banister, Craig Breedlove, Carl Pickens, Kyrie Irving
  • Died: Peter Lorre, Barney Clark [1st articifical heart recipient], Elizabeth Taylor, Joe Garagiola
Looking at Matthew 26:36-46 this morning. I have underlined several phrases in this passage. The first is in verse 39–“yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” This has been quite a week. The triumphal entry back in chapter 21. Cleansing the Temple. The fig tree. Teaching on our relationship with Caesar, on the resurrection of the dead, on the Second Coming and the judgment. Judas’ betrayal. The last supper. Now, Jesus has come to the garden with His disciples. The cross is looming. Jesus is facing the penalty for all our sin. He prays. What can I learn?
  • Every day is a battle. On Sunday the people praised Jesus and would make Him king. Tomorrow the cross. My days and weeks have highs and lows. I should expect them.
  • People will betray me. Only Jesus never fails me. Yet, He loved even those who betrayed Him.
  • People will let me down like the sleeping disciples. But Jesus loved them and died for them.
  • The Father’s plan may require obedience and sacrifice. When I have doubt and fear, be like Jesus and pray. 
  • God’s answer to my prayers may not be what I want, but it will always be for my ultimate good and His eternal glory. 
  • At the end of the day, I’m looking for His will and not mine. 
And so today Lord, help me know and do Your will. 



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