Thought for March 7
- 321: Constantine proclaims Sunday as the day of rest in the Empire
- 1526: Zurich Council orders death by drowning to all Anabaptists
- 1530: The Pope denies Henry VIII's request for a divorce
- 1857: Baseball decides that a game is 9 innings, not the first to 9 runs
- 1876: Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for the telephone
- 1908: Mayor of Cincinnati announces "women are not physically fit to operate automobiles"
- 1912: Roald Amundsen annouces his discovery of the South Pole [located 12/14/1911]
- 1935: Fanny Crosby arrives at school for the blind in NY
- 1936: Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland--violates Treaty of Versailles
- 1955: "Peter Pan" starring Mary Martin televised live on NBC
- 1965: "Bloody Sunday" in Selma
- 1972: Roberta Flack releases "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"
- 1983: The Nashville Network begins on cable
- 2009: Neymar makes professional soccer debut at age 17
- 2016: Peyton Manning announces his retirement
- Born: Rob Roy, Piet Mondrian, Maurice Ravel, Ivan Lendl, Rachel Weisz, Willard Scott, Michael Eisner, Franco Harris, Lynn Swann, Bryan Cranston, Tom Lehman, Wanda Sykes,
- Died: Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Cool Papa Bell, Stanley Kubrick
Continuing with the Sermon on the Mount this morning reading Matthew 6:25-34. In verses 25, 31 and 34, Jesus tells the poor people gathered on the hillside "do not be anxious." Why would He have to say this three times in 10 verses? Because He knows we get anxious, we worry.
The first thing I notice is what Jesus says not to be anxious about: eating, drinking, clothing, tomorrow. So Jesus is telling me today, Larry, do not be anxious about the necessities of life or the future. Now let's be truthful--most of those who read this blog are not worried today about what they will eat or drink or wear. We are blessed with the necessities of life and so much more. Well, does that mean I can just move on to thinking about tomorrow? No. I may not worry about whether the water will flow from the faucet or if I will have something to eat or something to wear. But I am still anxious about these things. Do I have all the ingredients for the dish I want to make? What if the family doesn't like it? Should I drink tap water, bottled water, still water, imported water, flavored water, Smart water [please!]. Should I be a vegan, a vegetarian, eat gluten free, buy fat free, watch out for GMO's, only eat free range chicken and organic eggs? And I simply don't have anything to wear--doesn't fit, too old, out of style, doesn't match, makes me look fat. I am thinking about how much time each week I spend thinking about food, drink, clothes, appearance and then compare it to the time I spend seeking God.
Well, what about anxiety over tomorrow. Will I have enough money to last till I die. Will my health hold up--don't want a nursing home or to be dependent. What about my grandchildren? What will happen to America? Well certainly we can be concerned about the future and plan for the future--but we are not anxious for the future. We do not become depressed about the future. We do not become sleepless about the future. We trust the One who holds our future.
Notice why Jesus tells us not to be anxious---
- The Father loves you. He can feed you, He can give you Living Water. He can clothe you--He was the first tailor, clothing Adam and Eve in the Garden.
- The Father knows what you need. And when He gave us Jesus, H gave us all we need for eternity. He is our sufficiency
- Each new day will have trouble enough, we don't need to worry about tomorrow today. Recall what Scarlett O'Hara says at the end of "Gone with the Wind." "I won't think about that now. I'll think about that tomorrow. For tomorrow is another day."
- We should be seeking His kingdom and His righteousness rather than being anxious. We find peace when we seek Him and His righteousness. Those that wait upon the Lord are those that rise on eagle's wings. And do not forget that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love [we spend our time and our thoughts loving God and loving others], which leads to joy [a joy that circumstances cannot quench; joy in knowing that He loves us and cares for us; joy in knowing that He is coming to get us; joy in knowing our eternal future is secure], and then peace, a peace that passes understanding. Get that, we are at peace and don't understand why--it is because we know He loves us and know He has a plan for us and know He has the power to fulfill His promises in love--so we are filled with joy and peace. And we are anxious for nothing.
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