Thought for March 31


  • 1492: Jews expelled from Castile and Argon
  • 1736: Bellevue Hospital founded [1st public hospital in the US]
  • 1745: Jews expelled from Prague
  • 1889: Eiffel Tower opens
  • 1906: Intercollegiate Athletic Association founded [NCAA in 1910]
  • 1918: First daylight savings time in US
  • 1931: Knute Rockne killed in plane crash
  • 1932: Ford unveils V-8 engine
  • 1943: "Oklahoma" by Rogers and Hammerstein premiers
  • 1944: Hungary requires Jews to wear yellow stars
  • 1953: Department of Health, Education and Welfare established
  • 1975: UCLA wins 10th championship under John Wooden
  • 1980: Carter deregulates banking--bad idea
  • 1988: Toni Morrison wins Pulitzer for "Beloved"
  • Born: Rene Descartes ["I think therefore I am"], JS Bach [signed his works SDG, Soli Deo Gloria, to the glory of God alone. If you look down on the roof of the Washington Monument you would see the words "Laus Deo,"  to God be the glory. These same words are written over the door of Thrailkill Hall at Belmont], Franz Haydn, Arthur Griffith [found Sinn Fein], Jack Johnson [first black heavyweight champion], Tommy Bolt, Cesar Chavez, Gordie Howe, Liz Claiborne, Shirley Jones, Richard Chamberlain, Herb Alpert, Gabe Kaplan, Al Gore, Ewan McGregor
  • Died: John Donne, Isaac Newton, John C Calhoun, Charlotte Bronte, JP Morgan, Jesse Owens, Terri Shiavo [right to die case]
Stopped again today by Mark 8:29--"Who do you say that I am?" Isn't this the real question of life? Who do I say Jesus is? Do I agree with who He says He is? He says that He, and He alone, is Creator, Master, Savior, Redeemer, Messiah, Lamb of God, Alpha and Omega, the Bread of Life, the Living Water, the only Door to God, the Way, the Truth, the Light of the world. He says He is God incarnate. He says He is coming again as the Lion of Judah, Judge, King of kings and Lord of lords. And because He says it--it is true! 

Now it's my turn, who do I say that Jesus is? Prophet, teacher, amazing miracle worker. No, I must agree with His claims if I want to be in His kingdom. And then notice, after Peter says, "Thou art the Christ." Jesus tells them that simply saying that is not enough--look at 8:34-38:
  • I must deny myself. I put aside my wants, desires, plans and do what He wants, desires and plans.
  • I must take up my cross. That is I continually have to crucify the things of the flesh along with its desires---greed, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, envy, slander. This is a daily and continual requirement.
  • I must follow Him. Walk as He walked, talk as He talked, love as He loved, forgive as He forgives.
  • I must lose my life in His life. And there I will find real life.
  • I must not be ashamed of the gospel. 8:38 tells me Jesus knows we live in a adulterous and sinful generation so to walk like Him will make us different. We will be questioned, slandered, taunted. But we cannot be ashamed of who we are in Him. Paul tells the Ephesians that our job is to put on the whole armor of God and then to stand firm. 
Lord, today help me to live like I truly believe that You are who You say You are.



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