Thought for March 24


  • 1644: Roger Williams receives charter for Rhode Island
  • 1832: Joseph Smith [Mormon] beaten, tarred & feathered in Ohio
  • 1868: Metropolitan Life Insurance formed
  • 1882: Robert Koch discovers the bacillus that causes TB
  • 1930: First telecast of religious services--NYC
  • 1944: Rear gunner Nicholas Alkemade survives jump from a bomber at 18,000 feet without a parachute--sprained his ankle
  • 1958: Elvis joins the Army
  • 1962: First use of slow-motion replay--Emile Griffith v. Benny Paret boxing match--Paret dies 10 days later after a KO
  • 1964: Kennedy half dolloar issued
  • 1989: Exxon Valdez oil spill
  • 1999: "The Matrix" premiers
  • 2019: Robert Mueller finds no evidence that President Trump colluded with the Russians
  • 2020: Olympics postponed due to Covid
  • Born: Joseph Priestly, Fanny Crosby, John Wesley Powell, Andrew Mellon, Harry Houdini, Clyde Barrow, Steve McQueen, Denny McClain, Pat Bradley [LPGA], Tommy Hilfiger, Jim Parsons [The Big Bang Theory] Peyton Manning
  • Died: Jules Verne, Robert Culp, Garry Shandling
Still pondering Matthew 26:36-46 today. I have underlined and bracketed verse 41. This verse sounds like the Lord’s instruction to me every day. Keep watching, keep praying because temptation is near and the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 
  • Jesus knows Satan is roaming about seeking who he can devour with temptation. In fact, Jesus knows this well because He is facing temptation even as He speaks to the disciples. He is fighting the battle of willing spirit but weak flesh as He prays for the cup to be removed. This encourages me because Jesus was tempted just like me but never yielded. 
  • Jesus knew that when temptation came He turned to prayer. And so should I. Why? Jesus taught us to pray that we would not be led into temptation, but He also said to pray for deliverance from evil. So we pray for guidance away from temptation and when temptation comes we pray for the strength to resist and the power of the Spirit to deliver. Jesus was on His way to Calvary where He would face more temptation. Today if I am picking up my cross and following Him, I will face temptation. So I pray.
  • Prayer also draws us close to God. Talking to Him and listening to Him gives me strength, courage and power to resist temptation. 
  • Jesus also tells the disciples to keep watching. Watching out for those situations, people and places that bring us into temptation. Our parents were concerned about our friends because bad friends might lead us into temptation. So we are careful and watchful in selecting our friends. We are watchful about places that tempt our flesh, we are watchful about circumstances that tempt us. 
So today, I know my flesh is weak. I know I want to walk with Him, so I watch for those people, places, and circumstances that create temptation. Then I walk in a state of prayer, communicating with God through the Spirit—our guide, counselor, teacher, reminder, encourager. Lord help us face temptation as You did—victoriously.



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