Thought for March 21


  • 1748: John Newton converted during a storm at sea--"Amazing Grace"
  • 1804: Napoleonic Code adopted in France
  • 1871: Henry Morton Stanley begins his expedition to Africa
  • 1965: MLK leads a march from Selma to Montgomery
  • 1975: Tammy Wynette divorces George Jones
  • 2007: In Nigeria, teacher Christianah Oluwasesin is beaten to death after being accused of touching a student's handbag containing a Koran--defiling the Koran
  • 2014: Russia annexes Crimea
  • Born: Gary Oldman, Matthew Broderick
  • Died: Pocahontas, St. Benedict, Thomas Cramner [Archbishop of Canterbury burned on orders of Bloody Mary]
Matthew 24 contains Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ questions in 24:3–when and what will be the signs?notice that Jesus says that no one except the Father knows when (24:36). So why do people write books, preach sermons and try to predict when Jesus will come again? I try to consider what Jesus tells us about the times and the signs. What can I learn and apply?
  • There will be wars and rumors of wars—but do not fear. (24:6-8) 
  • False christs will come trying to mislead us. (24:5) Notice they will come claiming to be in Jesus name. They will appear to be His followers and may be leading churches, denominations, movements. They will show many signs and wonders (24:24).
  • Those who claim Christ will be hated by all nations. (24:9) If you have read the history portions of my thoughts you have seen where Jews have been killed, exiled or restricted by governments for thousands of years. 
  • Many will fall away or their love will grow cold (24:10-12). Go to Revelation and read how the churches in chapters 2-3 have lost their first love, grown lukewarm or fallen away. Makes me think about my own life.
So what does Jesus tell us to do until He comes amid the trials and tribulations?
  • Do not fear? He is coming. He will fulfill every promise. He has won the victory. Think back to WWII. The bombs were dropped on Japan on August 6 and 9; Japan announced its surrender on August 14; the ceremony was held on September 2 and the last Japanese soldier surrendered 30 years later. Jesus won the victory at Calvary and in the resurrection, we await the final defeat of Satan and death. 
  • Endure. Back to those churches in Revelation, those that endure and overcome receive the prize. The use of this word tells us it will not be easy, it will be a battle. 
  • Be alert and ready. Not knowing when requires us to be constantly ready. The Boy Scouts say “Be Prepared “. So we stay in a state of readiness for His return. Why? Look at 24:46. Blessed is the slave when the Master finds him ready. 
Lord, help me live today like it is the day of Your return.


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