Thought for March 16

Three years ago today, I wrote my first Thought and distributed it to my Sunday School class via email. We had just begun the Covid crisis and I wanted to stay in touch with my friends. I am not sure how long the Lord will lead me to write, but for now I am blessed to share what He says to me as I read and pray each morning.  


  • 597: Babylonians conquer Jerusalem
  • 1802: Congress creates US Military Academy at West Point-open July 4
  • 1850: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes "The Scarlett Letter"
  • 1867: Joseph Lister's first publication about antiseptic surgery
  • 1912: Mrs. William Howard Taft plants first cherry tree in DC
  • 1915: Federal Trade Commission organized
  • 1926: Robert Goddard launches first liquid fueled rocket--goes 184 feet
  • 1930: Harry Ironside preaches his first sermon as pastor of Moody Church
  • 1934: Academy Award first called "Oscar"
  • 1968: About 400 Vietnamese civilians killed at My Lai
  • 1988: Oliver North indicted in Iran-Contra affair
  • 2020: France orders national lockdown due to Covid
  • Born: James Madison, Dr. Joseph Mengele [Nazi war criminal], Pat Nixon, Jerry Lewis, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Erik Estrada [CHIPS], Ossie Newsom, Joel Embiid
  • Died: John Albert Broadus [President of Southern Seminary], Judge Roy Bean, Thomas Dewey, Arthur Godfrey
I am reading from Matthew 14:22-33, a story that is very familiar. Five thousand men have been fed from five barley loaves and two fish. The disciples have watched as Jesus took a little and multiplied it into an abundance. I wonder if seeing this miracle made them reflect on the parable of the mustard seed Jesus had shared in the preceding chapter. Faith like a mustard seed transformed into a great bush/tree and now faith transforming loaves and fishes into a  satisfying feast for 10,000+.  

Now the disciples have taken a boat across the sea while Jesus prays alone. I am looking at words I have underlined in this passage:
  • It is evening. Darkness has come. John says, "it had already become dark and Jesus had not come to them." Reminds me that darkness can come into the life of a believer--clouds of doubt and fear can temporarily block the light. Or sin in my life can dim the light by causing a chill in my relationship with Christ. So we pray for the Lord to enlighten us, illuminate us, shine on us. A few weeks ago in worship we sang "Shine Jesus Shine." The disciples were in the dark.
  • The disciples were working in their own strength. John tells us they had rowed 3-4 miles. We have all been there. We are working as hard as we can in our own strength, we are laboring but maybe not making much progress. One step forward, two steps back. 
  • The wind is against them. Again, we've been there. Working hard, doing our best, but everything seems to be working against us. Fighting a headwind. 
  • The waves are battering them. Not only is it late, not only is it dark, not only is the wind against us so we are rowing hard, but the waves are battering us. Maybe the water is coming into the boat faster than they can bale it out. Many of us have experienced that in our companies, in our personnel finances--we are taking on water, we are falling behind. And yes we sometimes are baling spiritual water. 
  • Then, Jesus comes. He is walking on the water headed for Capernaum. As I read, the men are afraid because they think it is a ghost walking on the water. If Jesus walks on water they are not surprised, but a ghost. This reminds me that sometimes when I am struggling and laboring Jesus comes to my aid, but I do not recognize it at first. I think the disciples probably were saying , "if only Jesus was here." And here He comes. But He came in a manner they did not expect. Think about when God answered your cries, not in the way you expected, but unexpectedly as to timing, manner, method . Sometimes it is the person who comes to our aid that surprises us. Sometimes it is the timing. Lord, help me recognize You when you come.
  • It is Jesus, do not be afraid. WOW! All fear is cast out when Jesus comes. Exercise faith and believe, do not doubt and fear.
  • Now Peter is Peter--IF it is You. Don't be afraid Peter--I won't be afraid if it is really You. Been there done that. Lord I heard Your voice, I read Your word, I felt Your presence--but is it really You. How can I know it is really You? Peter says, command me to come to You on the water. Gideon wanted a sign, Hezekiah wanted a sign, Moses wanted a sign. Lord, command me to do the impossible and I will believe.
  • Jesus says one word "Come". Now here is faith. Peter could have said, well on second thought, calm the storm or rebuke the wind, or get in the boat with us. But Peter responds to Jesus' command. Faith is the response to the Word of God. He got out of the boat and walked on water. 
  • Peter looks at the wind and becomes afraid. I asked Jesus for a miracle, but now I can't believe it is happening. Peter cries out and Jesus "immediately" grabs him--but Jesus asks, why did you doubt? What would Peter say--I saw the wind, I saw the waves, I took my eyes off You, my mind told me this was impossible. 
Makes me ask, what has Jesus commanded me to do that is impossible, that would be a miracle if I did it. Love my enemies, do good to those that despitefully use you. If Jesus commands it, what do I know--He provides everything I need to obey except my faith. I  must trust Him if I want the miracle. I must let Him have control if I want to be blessed. Lord, help our unbelief.



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