Thought for March 15
- 44BC: Julius Caesar stabbed to death
- 1869: Cincinnati Red Stockings become 1st professional baseball team
- 1892: First escalator patented by Jesse Reno
- 1906: Rolls Royce LTD formed
- 1912: Cy Young retires
- 1913: First Presidential news conference
- 1919: American Legion forms
- 1945: Billboard publishes its first album chart
- 1954: CBS Morning News premiers with Jack Parr and Walter Cronkite
- 1960: Key Largo Reef Preserve established [1st underwater park]
- 1966: Race riots in Watts
- 1972: "The Godfather" premiers
- 1985: First internet domain name
- 1998: Nazarene evangelist Matthew Sabwela preaches in Malawi and 2400 are saved during one service
- 2018: Toys R Us announces the closing of all stores
- 202: EU imposes restrictions on gatherings and border crossings because of Covid
- Born: Saint Nicholas, Andrew Jackson, Harry James [bandleader], Norm Van Brocklin, Alan Bean [astronaut], Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jimmy Lee Swaggart, Don Sundquist, Sly Stone
- Died: Henry Bessemer, Duncan Hines, Abe Saperstein [Globetrotters], Ari Onassis, Tom Harmon, Benjamin Spock, Ann Southern, Bowie Kuhn
Looking at Matthew 12 today. Three times in this chapter Jesus says "something greater is here." This immediately makes me think about Ali--"I am the greatest." Or about Peyton Manning's TV show about the greatest. Or about all the arguments of who is the greatest. Look at what Jesus says in this chapter:
- Something greater than the Temple is here [10:6]. Jesus is teaching about the Sabbath. He is Lord of the Sabbath [10:8] But I see more. Jesus uses the example of David and the consecrated bread to teach that there are things more important than ritual and traditions. He summarizes by reminding us that compassion not sacrifice [ritual worship] is what He seeks. This reminds me of my problem--I go through all the rituals but retain bitterness, anger, jealousy, greed in my heart. Jesus is greater than the Temple because He is God, He is the High Priest, He is the perfect sacrifice. So unless my worship is directed at and motivated by Jesus, the Temple does me no good.
- Something greater than Jonah is here [10:41]. Like the Pharisees, I want Jesus to continually prove Himself by signs and wonders. My prayers are often directed toward asking for a sign from God--open a door, heal the sick. Those are not bad in themselves. But Jesus tells me that when He walked out of the tomb that is the ultimate sign, the ultimate proof that He is who He claims to be. That is enough. Lord, help me trust in the sign that only You can perform.
- Something greater than Solomon is here [10:42]. This recalls to me Ecclesiastes. Larry, where are you seeking wisdom, from whom do you seek wisdom, who has the wisdom you need. The Queen traveled to Solomon for wisdom, You invite me to seek You and Your wisdom. You are wiser than the wisest and greater than the greatest.
I look for the GOAT, for something greater--greater wisdom, greater knowledge, greater understanding, greater strength, greater patience, greater love---but like the song says, I'm looking for love in all the wrong places. Jesus is greater than. This morning listen to Sandy Patti and Larnel Harris sing "More than Wonderful" and think about some of those words:
- He's everything He said He would be--Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Father
- More wonderful than the mind can conceive
- More wonderful that my highest hopes and fondest dreams
- More than I ever longed for
- More amazing, marvelous, miraculous
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