Thought for February 25


  • 1791: First Bank of the United States chartered
  • 1793: First cabinet meeting at the home of George Washington
  • 1799: Congress passes first federal quarantine legislation
  • 1836: Samuel Colt patents first multi-shot revolver
  • 1859: First use of the insanity plea
  • 1901: JP Morgan organizes US Steel
  • 1913: 13th Amendment becomes effective authorizing graduated income tax
  • 1932: Adolph Hitler gains German citizenship after immigrating from Austria
  • 1964: Ali wins his first heavyweight title beating Sonny Liston
  • 1982: Final episode of the Lawrence Welk Show--still on TV
  • 2020: Memorial service for Kobe Bryant
  • Born: Renoir, Enrico Caruso, John Foster Dulles, Gert Frobe [Goldfinger], Jim Bakkus, Bobby Riggs, Sally Jessy Raphael, George Harrison, Lee Evans [raised fist at Mexico Olympics], James Brown [NFL Today]
  • Died: Christopher Wren [architect], Elijah Muhammad [Nation of Islam], Tennessee Williams, C Everett Koop, 
A last thought on Malachi this morning. I am thinking about the comparison between the righteous in 3:1-3, 16-18; 4:2-3 and the unrighteous in 4:1. Malachi was written 400 years before Jesus was born. And we have nothing else written in the Bible in the 400 year period. What was the last thing God wanted to tell His people before this long silence?
  • The Savior is coming [3:1]. Same message we have today. Jesus is coming. Then He was coming as the Lamb of God, now we await His coming as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--the Lion of Judah.
  • His coming is like a fire. [3:3]
    • For the righteous, the fire is to refine and purify. [3:3] Burn away all the dross, all the impurity to present us as a holy nation, a nation of priests. And those in Christ will be spared [3:17] because their names are written in the Book. 
  • For the wicked, the fire is consuming. [4:1] While the seed is preserved, the chaff will be burned by the consuming fire of God. 
  • For the righteous--the sun/Son of righteousness will rise to heal. And we will rejoice like that young calf released into that beautiful pasture. 
Amazing to me that the message for today is the same as in Malachi's day--Jesus is coming. That's good news. We want everyone to greet Him as Savior and Lord. 



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