Thought for February 22


  • 1349: Jews expelled from Zurich
  • 1819: Adams-Onis Treaty cedes Florida to the US
  • 1854: First meeting of the Republican Party
  • 1876: Johns Hopkins University opens
  • 1879: Frank W. Woolworth opens first 5&dime store--it fails
  • 1893: First Iron Bowl--Auburn beats Alabama
  • 1935: "The Little Colonel" premiers--first inter-racial dance in the movies--Shirley Temple and Bill Robinson on the stairs
  • 1936: Sonja Henie wins her 10th straight world figure skating title
  • 1959: First Daytona 500-- Lee Petty wins in a contested finish
  • 1978: 2 propane tankers explode in Waverly Tennessee killing 15
  • 1980: Miracle on Ice--Lake Placid
  • Born: George Washington, Robert Baden-Powell [scouting], Edna St. Vincent Millay, Charlie Finley, Marni Nixon [dubbed the singing for Audrey Hepburn in "My Fair Lady," Natalie Wood in "West Side Story," and Deborah Kerr in "The King and I"], Ted Kennedy, Sparky Anderson, Tommy Aaron, Oliver ["Jean" and "Good morning Starshine"], Julius Erving, Bill Frist, Amy Alcott, Steve Irwin, Vijay Singh, Drew Barrymore
  • Died: Amerigo Vespucci, Andy Warhol, Grandpa Jones, Wesley Clark, Nanette Fabray
Back in Malachi this morning. Reading 1:6-14. Here is some truth that scares me. When you offer a defiled sacrifice to God, God sees it as a rejection and thinks you despise Him. 

The context: The priests were swindlers [1:14]. They were taking the good animals that the people brought and substituting lame, sick and blemished animals. Keeping the good for themselves and offering the lame to God. 

God's reaction: Those sacrifices:
  • Dishonor My name [1:6]. 
  • Show no respect [1:6
  • Are evil [1:8]
  • Would not be given to those you love and respect. [1:8]
  • Profane My name [1:12]
  • Not pleasing and unacceptable [1:10]
God's proclamation: My name will be great among the nations [1:11]; I am King, the Lord of Hosts. [1:14]

Application: What does the Lord say about Larry's sacrifices? Does He say that sacrifice dishonors my name, shows no respect for Me, is evil and unacceptable? I don't bring animals, but I don't think God is even talking about just my tithes and offerings. Romans 12:1-2 commands me to present my body as a living and holy sacrifice, a transformed body, renewed and not conformed to the world. A living sacrifice that proves to the world that which is good and acceptable and perfect to God. I need to let that soak in: 
  • I am not to be conformed to the world but be transformed by the Holy Spirit constantly renewing my thoughts and my actions. I am to be different--living [really living] and holy. 
  • My transformation is to be evidence of what God says is good and acceptable and perfect. We talk about being witnesses. A witness presents the truth--evidence. What kind of evidence of God's will and plan am I? 
  • This is my reasonable sacrifice and worship. Anything less is a swindle, a dishonor, a disrespect, a profanity, unacceptable. 
I have a lot to do to get my sacrifice in order. Praise God I do not have to do it in my own strength. 



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