Thought for January 4


  • 1754: Columbia University founded as Kings College
  • 1847: Samuel Colt sells his first revolver to the US
  • 1853: Solomon Northrup regains his freedom--author of "Twelve Years a Slave"
  • 1863: 4-wheel roller skates patented--wore the key on a shoestring around my neck
  • 1885: First appendectomy performed in America
  • 1925: Emil Coue introduces self-esteem therapy--"Every day in every way I am getting better and better."
  • 1936: Billboard publishes its 1st hit parade
  • 1947: Peter Marshall elected chaplain of the Senate--"A Man Called Peter"
  • 1965: Johnson gives the "Great Society" speech
  • 1977: Mary Shane is first female play-by-play announcer on TV
  • 2007: Nancy Pelosi becomes first female speaker of the House
  • Born: Jacob Grimm, Louis Braille, Don Shula, Floyd Patterson, Dyan Cannon, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Patty Loveless, Julia Ormond, David Toms, Garrison Hearst, Derrick Henry
  • Died: Hans Bret, Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton [first American born saint], Cornelius Vanderbilt, Albert Camus, TS Eliot, Iron Eyes Cody, Les Brown, Stuart Scott
Chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes is probably the most famous and most read. Songs have been written based on the first 8 verses. "In His Time" is taken from 3:11. And of course the Byrds sang "Turn! Turn! Turn!" As we start a new year, the words of chapter 3 are a good reminder.
  • God makes everything appropriate in its time. We do not understand the timing of God. Lives are ended too soon; opportunities are missed; things seem to happen at just the wrong time. I need to start my year understanding that God is sovereign. He has  plan. I can understand the general plan by prayer, reading scripture, but in the end, I must walk by faith, not by sight. So we enter 2023 understanding that things will happen that we don't like, were not ready for, wished were different. But we enter with absolute trust that God is working things for our ultimate good and His eternal glory.
  • God's timing teaches us patience, urgency, contentment surrender, endurance, perseverance. So God uses His timing to grow us, strengthen us, mature us. I will enter the new year thanking God that He uses His timing to mold me into the likeness of Christ.
  • God's timing creates anticipation. We grow excited to see how God will work out His plan in His time. He approach each day with a holy yearning for what He will reveal to us today. Think about this past Christmas from the perspective of a child--waiting for the day. Young children do not understand a calendar, so often they ask every day "is today Christmas." They are waiting excitedly with anticipation, they don't understand how long and they don't know the day, but they are constantly looking forward with hope and excitement. Lord, help me look forward to every day this year--anxious to see what You will do, how You will reveal Yourself, what You will teach me, how You will amaze me, how You will love me. Let me anticipate Your coming every moment. 
Help me understand 3:12--there is nothing better for me to do while I expectantly wait on Your timing than to rejoice and do good. 



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