Thought for January 3


  • 1496: Leonardo da Vinci tests a flying machine--fails
  • 1521: Martin Luther is excommunicated by Pope Leo X
  • 1777: Washington's army defeats the British at Princeton
  • 1925: Mussolini proclaims himself "Il Duce" 
  • 1977: Wozniak and Jobs incorporate Apple Computer Inc.
  • 1987: Aretha Franklin is first woman artist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  • 1996: First flip mobile phone goes on sale--Motorola StarTac
  • 2004: Casey Kasem retires as host of "American Top 40" after over 30 years
  • Born: Cicero, JRR Tolkien, Mel Gibson, Greta Thunberg
  • Died: Jack Ruby, Joy Adamson, Phil Everly, 
Interesting that I arrive in Ecclesiastes the first week in January. Perhaps God has a purpose in this review of things I marked in my Bible. Maybe as I start another year I need to be reminded about the priorities of life. Solomon asked one thing of God, wisdom. And God responded with abundant wisdom. If you visit the law school at Belmont you will find a large sculpture of Solomon sitting in judgment over the two women claiming the child. Jan and I placed that in the law school to remind the students that the wisdom from God exceeds the wisdom of man and the law. As we begin the year perhaps we ask with Solomon, "what advantage/profit does man have in all his work?" 

For some of us, we have labored and experienced "success" but now may be asking, "is that all there is?" Some of us have worked for companies for many years--then we get the retirement package, the going away party, the gold watch and ask "is that all I get for all those years?" If I had known how all that work was going to effect my health, my family, my relationships, would I have done it? Or maybe we are reflecting on the irony--when I had my health, I had no money to do things; now that I have some resources, my health won't allow me to enjoy it. Or maybe we come to the conclusion that I wasted my time and energy on things that don't ultimately matter. Solomon had wisdom, wealth, a great kingdom, many wives and concubines. He built the fabulous Temple and a Palace. He wrote Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, most of Proverbs and some of the Psalms [72, 127]. He had a wonderful and productive life; yet, he found everything to be vanity. 

Maybe you are feeling that way as this new year begins. Nothing ever changes. I will not be remembered when I am gone. The more I know, the less I know. In fact, there are things I wish I did not know because they cause me grief--maybe ignorance is bliss. I conclude that I cannot change anything and I cannot control anything so all that  is left is worry, anxiety, pressure, stress, bitterness. 

It takes 11 chapters, but Solomon finds the secret to purpose in life--fear God and keep His commandments [12:13]. As I start 2023, Lord help me understand that true joy, true peace, true purpose is found in knowing and loving You and serving You alone. When December 31 comes again, may You find that I have done what Paul taught--presented my body a living and holy sacrifice. 



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