Thought for January 27


  • 1785: First land-grant university chartered in Athens Georgia--Go Dawgs
  • 1820: Antartica discovered
  • 1825: Congress approves Indian Territory beginning theTrail of tears
  • 1880: Edison patents electric incandescent lamp
  • 1888: National Geographic Society formed
  • 1944: Siege of Leningrad ends after 880 days and 2 million deaths
  • 1956: Elvis releases "Heartbreak Hotel"
  • 1867: Apollo 1 fire kills Astronauts Grissom, White, and Chaffee
  • 1969: Chuck Noll named coach of the Steelers. Since then the Steelers have had only three coaches--Bill Cowher, Mike Tomlin
  • 1976: "Laverne and Shirley" premiers
  • Born: Mozart, Lewis Carroll, Samuel Gompers, Edward Smith [captain of the Titanic], Jerome Kern, William Randolph Hearst, Donna Reed, Troy Donahue, Mikhail Baryshnikov, John Roberts, Chris Collinsworth, Keith Olbermann, 
  • Died: John James Audubon, Giuseppe Verdi, Thomas Crapper [inventor and plumber], Nellie Bly, Mahalia Jackson, Andre the Giant, Jack Parr, John Updike, JD Salinger, Pete Seeger
Hard to read Isaiah 53. In 52:10, God says He bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations that all the ends of the earth may see the Salvation of our God. He is speaking of Jesus, revealed to man. 

Chapter 53 begins with a question: Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? The rest of the chapter tells us how God revealed Jesus as the suffering servant the Messiah who came to save His people.
  • He was revealed as a baby, not a warrior. [53:3] God did not send the Lion of Judah to save, He sent the Lamb of God. A miracle. 
  • He was revealed as ordinary man [53:2]--not taller than anyone like Saul, not handsome with beautiful eyes like David. It was not His appearance that attracted people--He was not a movie star.
  • He did not bask in earthly riches, power, prestige, or position [53:3-5]
    • Despised--totally rejected by most that He came to save.
    • Forsaken by men.
    • A man who lived with pain and sorrow.
    • A man who understands what it means to grieve.
    • An innocent man pierced for my rebellion; took all the burden of my sin; beaten so that I could be healed.
  • All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but the Lord placed all our failures on Him and He paid the price for my debt. [53:6]
  • He gave His life voluntarily--no one took it from Him--He gave it freely. [53:7]
  • Even His trial was corrupt [53:8]
  • We tried to bury Him with the thief, but He rested in a rich man's grave. [53:9]
  • But He won the victory, so
    • He will have many offspring. 
    • He will justify many.
    • He will be Great
    • His kingdom will never end. 
Because He lives, we can face today. Notice how chapter 54 begins--We shout for joy at the work of His hands. We shout for joy at the salvation He gives. We shout for joy that He is coming again. 

Today, remember the price He paid, then shout for joy!


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