Thought for January 26
- 1482: Pentateuch first published as a book
- 1784: Ben Franklin expresses his disappointment that the eagle [not the turkey] is chosen as the National symbol
- 1838: Tennessee passes the first prohibition law in the US
- 1875: Electric dental drill patented
- 1906: Church of God convenes its first General Assembly in Cleveland TN
- 1907: First federal law on corrupt election practices passed
- 1915: Rocky Mountain National Park established
- 1926: First public demonstration of television
- 1960: Pete Rozelle becomes NFL Commissioner on the 23rd ballot
- 1998: President Clinton says, "I did not have sex with that woman."
- Born: Mary Mapes Dodge ["Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates"], Douglas MacArthur, Bindo Maserati, Maria Von Trapp, Louis Zamperini ["Unbroken"], Paul Newman, Bob Uecker, Scott Glenn, Gene Siskel, Eddie Van Halen, Ellen Degeneres, Wayne Gretzky
- Died: Edward Jenner [smallpox vaccine], Peter Marshall, Nelson Rockefeller, Bear Bryant, Barbara Hale [Della on Perry Mason], Michel Legrand, Kobe Bryant
Ever been in a situation where you said, "if only." If only things were different. If only the time was different. If only I hadn't made that foolish mistake or had a do over. If only. If only I had known what was going to happen. If only I had prepared better. If only I had known is was a big deal. I have underlined Isaiah 48:18 in my Bible. "If only you had paid attention to My commandments!" Think about that for a moment. Think of a few of His commandments.
- If only I had loved God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.
- If only I had loved my neighbor as myself.
- If only I had allowed my heart to be filled with love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness and self-control.
- If only I had turned from evil and done good.
- If only I had forgiven those who trespassed against me.
- If only I had prayed for those that despitefully used me.
- If only I had sought first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
- If only.
Notice what God says in 48:18-19. Wellness would have flowed over you like a river. You would have been engulfed, overwhelmed, flooded with the blessing of the Lord. And your right living would have been like the waves of the sea--constant, consistent, always there. Your descendants would have been numerous and blessed. And you would be constantly before the face of the Lord. If only.
Now the good news--forgetting what lies behind, press on toward your goal--your calling in christ. Do not live in the "if only."
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