Thought for January 25


  • 1817: Rossini's "Cinderella" premiers
  • 1819: University of Virginia chartered
  • 1825: First U.S. engineering college opens--Rensselaer Polytechnic
  • 1849: Antartica identified as a continent
  • 1858: Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" first played at the wedding of Queen Victoria's daughter
  • 1890: Nellie Bligh beats Phileas Fogg's record, around the world in 72 days
  • 1919; League of Nations founded
  • 1924: First Winter Olympics--Chamonix France
  • 1939: Team led by Enrico Fermi split the uranium atom
  • 1949: First Emmy Awards
  • 1959: First transcontinental commercial jet flight
  • 1970: The movie "MASH" released
  • 1993: Sears closes catalogue sales after 97 years
  • Born: Robert Burns, Virginia Woolf, Lou Groza, Dean Jones, Don Maynard, Buddy Baker, Alicia Keys
  • Died: Al Capone, Ava Gardner, Jean Dixon, Mary Tyler Moore
Reading in Isaiah 43-45 this morning. Noticing that I have underlined these words "Thus says the Lord." This reminds me that this book is God speaking in every verse--thus says the Lord. I have said before that old saying "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" is incorrect theology. The truth is "God said, that settled it, you can choose whether to believe it or not." 

In these chapters, eight of the 10 times God says, "thus says the Lord" He identifies one of His names or something about His character. Each one of these is a reminder to me that He and He alone has authority to speak because of who He is and what He has done.
  • 43:1, 45:18--Thus says the Lord, your Creator. 
  • 43:14, 44:24--Thus says the Lord your Redeemer.
  • 43:16:Thus says the Lord who makes a way through the sea. Deliverer and Protector, referring back to the crossing of the Red Sea. 
  • 44:2, 45:24: Thus says the Lord that formed you in the womb.
  • 44:6-- Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel.
  • 45:11: Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel and its Maker. 
Advertisements on TV used to say, "When EF Hutton talks, people listen." Well, EF Hutton is long gone, but the word of the Lord endures forever. 

As you read these verses, notice what the Lord says. Many times He says "do not fear." [43:1, 5; 44:2, 8] He tells us to not be held by the past [43:18] He tells us our sins are forgiven and He remembers them no more. [43:25] 

Today, listen to what the Lord says and remember who He is. Then face the day forgiven knowing that He makes all things new.  We have a fresh start this morning.



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