Thought for December 8


  • 1813: Beethoven's Seventh Symphony premiers with him directing
  • 1886: AFL forms with Samuel Gompers as President
  • 1915: "In Flanders Fields" published anonymously [John McCrae]
  • 1931: Coaxial cable patented
  • 1934: John and Betty Stam, missionaries to China, are killed by the Communist. Met at Moody Bible College.
  • 1952: First TV acknowledgement of pregnancy--I Love Lucy
  • 1966: Luis Palau leads his first city-wide meeting in Bogota
  • 1978" "The Deer Hunter" premiers
  • 1982: "Sophie's Choice" premiers
  • 2007: Tim Tebow wins the Heisman
  • Born: Horace, Mary Queen of Scots, Eli Whitney, Clinton Bowen Fisk [endowed Fisk University], William Durant [founded GM and Frigidaire], James Thurber, Lee J Cobb, Sammy Davis Jr., Flip Wilson, James Galway, Gregg Allman, Ann Coulter
  • Died: Martin Rinkart ["Now Thank We All Our God"], Tris Speaker, Golda Meir, John Glenn
Psalm 100 has a number of commands that are powerful reminders of how life should be.
  • Shout joyfully to the Lord. Well, how often do you shout to the Lord. Here I think the psalmist is calling us to be vocal and enthusiastic is praising our Lord. I noticed something in church a few weeks ago. The choir was singing a song that repeatedly said the word "Jesus." No one could frown while singing His name. The very name Jesus forces our lips into a smile--we say His name with joy.
  • Serve the Lord with gladness. I love this verse. It corrects my attitude as I serve--don't serve from duty, because you have to, because everyone expects you to. Serve with gladness--I have been asked to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords--gladly. 
  • Come before Him with joyful singing--This strikes me funny since I have seen some who sing but seem to have no joy. If we are singing praises to the King--we sing with a smile, with great joy. 
  • Why do we shout, sing and serve--the Lord is God, Creator, Great Shepherd. And we are His people, His possession, His sheep. What could be a greater joy--I am a sheep of the Great Shepherd--I shall not want, I walk in green pastures, I walk by still water, He restores my soul, His rod and staff comfort me, death cannot separate me. Good to be a sheep of the Great Shepherd--so I shout and sing and serve.
  • My response-
    • Thanksgiving
    • Praise
    • Blessing His name--with my mouth and with my life. My life should be seen by the world as a blessing to His name. Why? Because He is faithful, loving, and good forever. 


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