Thought for December 6
- 1768: First edition of Encyclopedia Brittanica published
- 1865: 13th Amendment ratified
- 1877: Thomas Edison records himself reciting "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
- 1992: Jerry Rice catches his 101st TD pass--a record
- 2006: Photos of Mars by Global Surveyor suggest presence of water on Mars
- Born: Agnes Moorhead, Andrew Cuomo
- Died: Saint Nicholas [343 AD], Jefferson Davis, Lead Belly, Honus Wagner
Looking at Psalm 84 this morning. Here are the thoughts that come from the words I have underlined:
- Does my soul yearn to be in the presence of the Lord? [84:2] Of course God is with me everywhere I go, but do I think about standing in His presence, walking in His courts. Do I really long for those moments? Even on Sunday, do I walk into the sanctuary with a yearning for His presence, an expectation of His speaking? Or is it simply an exercise in religion?
- Do I realize daily the blessing of dwelling in His house--or being His house? Am I constantly aware that my body is the temple of the Lord and holy. Have you stood in a holy place and felt the amazing awe? Walked into a cathedral and felt the awesomeness of God's presence? Stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon and had your breath taken as you contemplated the Creator? Laid in the grass and looked at the stars with no ambient light---seen the Milky Way and as the song says, "considered all Thy hands have made." [84:4]
- Do I realize that the Lord alone gives grace and glory? [84:11] He is the source of all grace. The grace that forgives and the grace that saves. The grace that provides and the grace that sustains. All grace. And without His grace, I am lost, dead, damned. Do I understand that the world has no glory to give for all glory comes from Him and is in Him. We exist for His glory and in Christ we share His glory.
- WOW! Do I realize that He does not withhold any good thing from those that walk upright? [84:11] If I think I lack something good, there are only two reasons---I am not walking upright or the thing I think I am missing is not good for me right now.
- The real question is do I trust Him and His word-do I really believe: [84:12]
- His grace is sufficient.
- He withholds nothing good that I need.
- His glory is the only real glory--not the praise of man or the rewards of man.
- And I sing--"and the things of earth shall grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."
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