Thought for December 26


  • 1606: First known performance of King Lear
  • 1799: Henry Lee eulogizes George Washington saying, "first in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen."
  • 1865: First coffee percolator patented
  • 1933: FM radio patented
  • 1946: The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas opens
  • 1951: "The African Queen" released--one of my favorites.
  • 1954: "The Shadow" airs for the first time
  • 1963: Beatles release "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and "I Saw Her Standing There"
  • 1973: "The Exorcist" premiers--the day after we celebrate the real exorcist's birth.
  • 2004: Tsunami kills 230,000 
  • Born: Calico Jack [pirate], Charles Babbage [computing machine], Henry Miller, Mao Zedong, Rosemary Woods, Steve Allen, Frank Broyles, Phil Spector, John Walsh [America's Most Wanted], Carlton Fisk
  • Died: Gorgeous George [wrestler], Harry Truman, Jack Benny, Diane Fossey [Gorillas in the Mist], Reggie White, Gerald Ford
We are in the last week of the year. Perhaps a time to reflect on 2022. As I do, I am looking at Proverbs and a passage I marked in red in chapter 6:16-19. Thinking back over this past year and then reading these verses causes me to pause and repent. Seven things the Lord hates and that are an abomination to Him. WOW! God is love. He is filled with grace and mercy. But there are things which He hates. This makes me ask how I did this year in avoiding those things. And it makes me ask do I also hate the things the Lord hates. Here they are:
  • Haughty eyes. "Haughty" means proud, an attitude of superiority, contempt for others. Larry, have you looked at others with contempt, placing yourself as superior or more worthy than them. Have you looked with arrogance at someone. In my worst moments, my go to word is "stupid." I find myself calling others or the things they do and say "stupid." I even call myself "stupid." Lord, help me avoid that thought, that look that view of others. 
  • A lying tongue. Most of us do not intentionally lie; we color, hedge, or as we lawyers used to say, "tell the truth and nothing but the truth, but not the whole truth." We conveniently leave out portions of the story, "forget" certain facts to make us look better. Lord, you told us to let our yes be yes--nothing more. Help me speak truth. Yesterday our lesson was from John 18:37--a strange text for Christmas--Jesus said, "for this I have been born and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness of the truth." He is the truth.
  • Hands that shed innocent blood. Yesterday we also looked at the crowd's response when Pilate asks what he should do with Jesus--crucify Him and His blood be upon us and our children. Most of us have not shed innocent blood this year--but Jesus said if you are angry with your brother and wish harm to him, you are guilty. Lord, fill me with Your grace and mercy so I love and do not harm my brother/sister.
  • A heart that devises wicked plans. Interesting that here it does not say God hates those that perpetrate evil plans. He says He hates those that devise wicked plans. How often have I thought about a way to get even, take revenge, put down someone. May not have done it, but my heart was busy devising an evil plan. Lord, protect me from every evil thought against others.
  • Feet that run rapidly to evil. Jesus says "flee evil." But then I find myself attracted to evil, drawn to things I know are wrong, thoughts I should not relish, desires I should never have. Lord, help us turn from evil and flee.
  • A false witness. In my earlier life I associate this with perjury, someone who lies on the stand. Today, God is talking to me as His witness--do I give a false impression of what it is to be a Christian. Or does my life give a true picture of Christ. Lord, help me die to me so that only you are visible.
  • One who spreads strife among brothers. This one should hit all of us. We are to be peacemakers, reconcilers. Do I criticize and complain and cause strive or disturbance in the body of Christ? Lord, help me be a unifier of the body in 2023. 
Reflection is good for the soul when it leads to confession, repentance, and transformation. May that be the result of reading these verses this morning. 


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