Thought for December 10


  • 1520: Martin Luther burns Papal edict requiring him to recant
  • 1864: Sherman reaches Savannah
  • 1884: "Huckleberry Finn" published
  • 1901: First Nobel Prize awarded
    • 1903: Pierre and Marie Curry win for study of radiation
    • 1904: Pavlov wins for study of digestion
    • 1906: Theodore Roosevelt is first American to win
    • 1907: Rudyard Kipling wins for Literature
    • 1919: Woodrow Wilson win Peace Prize
    • 1925: George Bernard Shaw wins for Literature
    • 1935: James Chadwick wins for discovery of the proton
    • 1954: Albert Schweitzer wins 
    • 1964: Martin Luther King wins Peace Prize
    •  1978: Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat win Peace Prize
    • 1984: Desmond Tutu wins Peace Prize
    • 1994: Yitzhak Rubin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat win Peace Prize
    • 2009: Barack Obama wins Peace Prize
    • At the cross, Jesus bought our peace
  • 1922: Canton Bulldogs win first NFL Championship
  • 1926: Hitler publishes the second part of "Mein Kampf"
  • 1927: Grand Ole Opry called that for the first time
  • 1936: Edward VII abdicates the throne to marry Wallis Simpson
  • 1962: "Lawrence of Arabia" premiers
  • Born: Thomas Gallaudet, Ada Lovelace [1st competer programmer], Emily Dickinson, Chet Huntley, Dorothy Lamour, Dan Blocker, Tommy Kirk ["Ole Yeller"], Bobby Flay, Joe Burrow
  • Died: Alfred Nobel, Horace Dodge, Damon Runyon, Walter Johnson [Baseball HOF], Otis redding, Karl Barth [theologian], Adolph Rupp, Armand Hammer, Faron Young, Eugene McCarthy, Richard Pryor
Reading Psalm 119 today. Focusing on 119:9-16. This section begins with a question--how can a young man keep his way pure? The answer:
  • Walk according to His word. [119:9] Interesting that we are to walk in His word. In the Garden, Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. Here we allow His word to guide our steps--light unto our path. In the New Testament it says walk in the light as He is in the light. So we are to walk in the light provided by His word. 
    • Treasure it in his heart. [119:11] Now sometimes I follow instructions not because I want to, but because I am forced to, because I am afraid not to, because someone is watching.  But God asks us to treasure, highly value His word in our hearts so that we walk willingly,  joyfully,  peacefully. 
  • Seek God with all his heart. [119:10] Do not let any part of your heart fail to seek God--do not keep that unrepented area, that secret place of sin. Let His light shine throughout your heart and mind.
  • Do not wander. [119:10] If you walk closely with someone, you will not wander. I suggest holding hands. Hold hands with God then we do not wander. Sing, "Precious Lord take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am weak, I am weary, I am worn."
  • Ask God to teach him the law. [119:12] When I lack understanding--ask God who gives wisdom freely. Ask God in the Holy Spirit to remind you. 
  • Tell everyone of God's goodness. [119:13] The more I talk about His word and tell others about His word, the more that word becomes part of me.
  • Delight in the word. [119:16] This is like treasuring God's word. I take delight in His word, knowing it is always for my good and His glory. 
  • Don't forget. [119:16] How many times did our parents or teachers tell us this--don't forget. We need reminders and refreshers. And God has given the Holy Spirit to bring to our memory everything Jesus has said and done. Consistent reading, study and listening helps us remember.
Lord, today, help me live these verses. 



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